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Opinions of Wednesday, 26 January 2005

Columnist: J. A. Fukuor/Daily Dispatch

LFTP: An African agenda for the Bushman

Countrymen and women, loyalists and opponents,

I feel very proud that my second term in office coincides with that of the Bushman. It means that elephants are ruling the world. The Bushman was sworn into office last week amidst tight security. In his speech, in case you?ve not heard it already, the Bushman said ?the best hope for peace in the world is the expansion of freedom?. I suppose that this means that he?s going to continue with his ?war on terror? and chase away a few more tyrants ? just as he did to Madman Saddam and the Taliban. I fully support the war on terror and I think the Bushman has chalked a few successes (say in Afghanistan) and some failures (Iraq is still a mess). But I am inviting the Bushman to join in a special war on terror in Africa.