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Opinions of Thursday, 4 February 2021

Columnist: Stephen Bernard Donkor

Lashibi 16, Intersection a recipe for fatality

The intersection needs traffic lights The intersection needs traffic lights

The Police Motor Transport and Traffic Department (MTTD) in December 2019 reported that about six people die from road traffic accidents in Ghana every day.

That figure translates into more than 2000 traffic deaths in a year. The National Road Safety Commission on the other hand, hinted that in 2016, the most recent full year for which it analyses data, Ghana had nearly 16% more fatalities and 7% more serious injuries from road accidents compared to 2015.

Kudos to them for such a wonderful job done. My question is “must we always wait till people die before we act”? Again, as a country, “do we really consider the very human lives we claim to protect”? if this attitude can’t be likened to wickedness then, I stand to be corrected.

I always try to be in the shoes of the broke, the physically-challenged and the oppressed not because of their state of hopelessness.

Instead, I have come to terms that a person’s way of life could metamorphose within a split second. You could be hale and hearty today but indisposed tomorrow. So I humbly implore that you live at peace with everyone especially your enemy.

Minister of State today, a handicapped tomorrow. This comes to play because of unforeseen circumstances beyond human comprehension.

This brings to mind a worrying situation at Lashibi 16, Intersection. I choose to call it more of a curse than blessing considering the danger it poses to every single road user. The section of road from Vivian’s Farms to Sakumono – Estates is good just to say the least.

However, if authorities do not act promptly, there could be a serious fatality that will cause government to assign a committee to investigate.

As usual of the Ghanaian, we wait till disaster raids before our road engineers, journalists, human rights activists and Ministers do the usual show of care. Really? We simply do not need this as a society.

Ever since the road was opened to motorists, it has significantly contributed to the movement of goods and people. My only fright is that the unavailability of traffic lights on the intersection is an impediment to motorists and pedestrians.

On daily basis, some Commercial drivers over speed as though they are on hard liquor. Others who are into this speeding expedition are their counterparts who use private cars.

Pedestrians are always in danger owing to lack of pedestrian crossing. This could be linked to the intersection without a single traffic light. During rush hours, the situation becomes that of a survival of the fittest. There is absolutely no order on that intersection as some drivers bulldoze their way oblivious of the danger their blunder poses to the other innocent road users.

So I humbly quiz “are we happy as a nation when human lives are destroyed because of road accidents? It is a very sad development. Traffic lights must be erected as a matter of urgency at Lashibi 16, junction.

This, I believe will go a long way to ease the unusual traffic during rush hours thereby preventing any form of fatality on the intersection. In the interim, if the Ghana

Police Service could deploy at least an officer at the 16 junction, sanity will prevail. We must always make conscious efforts to protect lives and properties. The era of negligence and blame games are long gone.

Let’s be proactive as a people. Ghana deserves better. Lashibi Residents lives matter.

I therefore call on the Road Ministry, the Police Motor Transport and Traffic Department, (MTTD) and the National Road Safety Commission (NRSC) to act swiftly on this all important development. Indeed, human lives are priceless. We don’t need accidents to put us on track.

Besides, it’s a glaring truth. Certainly, negligence isn’t the panacea to the many issues the society faces today.

If the authorities of Lashibi collaborate in efforts with government to address the myriad of problems that bedevil the students and road users on the intersection, it will enhance their safety and the country will benefit immensely.

Red light on carnage on our roads.