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Opinions of Friday, 7 April 2023

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Late Kumawu MP now suffers no more high level political victimisation, hatred and harassment

Member of Parliament for Kumawu constituency, Philip Basoah Member of Parliament for Kumawu constituency, Philip Basoah

Philip Basoah (Hon) from his current abode no longer feels the piercing pains of any further calculated political victimization of his position. He sees hatred towards him from “the power above” and those below as water poured over a calabash turned upside down. He sees harassment directed at him as a joke by non-serious persons.

Now, he invites all those that hated him with passion and did their best to undermine him to continue doing so a hundredfold, for all he cares!

The above is the posthumous message the late member of parliament for Kumawu constituency, Philip Basoah (Hon), has for those who for their selfish and parochial interests saw him as a stumbling block in their way, hence held overt and covert animosity towards him.

Some very people from his own constituency, avaricious and opportunistic members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), did whatever within their capacity and could, to cause presidential and NPP hierarchical hatred towards him.

Sadly, President Nana Akufo-Addo would have nothing to do with him. He failed as a father of the nation and head of NPP to embrace Philip Basoah as a son and a member of NPP. He rather swallowed hook, line, and sinker, whatever falsehoods were peddled against Philip by his political hatemongers and mudslingers, as were conveyed to his attention.

It was shocking to see President Nana Akufo-Addo do nothing when police and military personnel threateningly obstructed Philip Basoah, then a sitting member of parliament until his demise on Monday, 27 March 2023, from entering the premises where the president’s nominee for the post of Kumawu Sekyere District Chief Executive, Samuel Addai Agyekum, was being voted on for the second round.

This incident where Philip Basoah was prevented from exercising his right as MP in respect of voting to confirm or reject the president’s nominee for the DCE post was brought to the attention of the president in various ways. Nonetheless, the president callously failed to take any appropriate sanctions but certified the dubious election of Samuel Addai Agyekum against his touted credentials as a renowned human rights lawyer and activist. Sad though!

On this same issue or another, John Boadu, then National Secretary of NPP, had the guts to fuck off Philip when he approached him about it. This is how Philip was denigrated and hated by the leaders of NPP all because of the lies some detractors from his own constituency were peddling against him.

I am actually saddened to see the president I adore much and speak highly of, defending him as much as I can, preside over such a situation to culminate in the health complications and premature death of Philip. It is a shame!

As usual the proud and no-nonsense son of Kumawu/Asiampa, I see it as my duty, being a citizen but not a spectator, to bring to the attention of the president and the NPP leaders to endeavor at all times to live above reproach.

It hurts, to tell the truth but in the end, it brings comfort. I am not at all happy about how Philip was wickedly treated by the leadership of NPP.

Now that he is gone to come no more, are both his bitter enemies in Kumawu and in NPP happy?

Go, grab the position, and avail yourselves of the wealth you thought Philip was a hindrance to you, now that he has successfully made the journey of no return.

How ungrateful the NPP have been, biting the very hand that once fed them.

How Mr. B. A Mensah helped NPP as a founding member and a financier to bring the party to power can be attested to by former President John Agyekum Kufuor and other honest members of NPP. Nevertheless, his younger sibling, Philip Basoah, was treated worse than the dirt on some NPP leaders’ shoes.

Father-in-law Philip Basoah, I say, “Damirefa due, due, due ne amanehu”

Rest peacefully in the bosom of God your Maker.