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Opinions of Saturday, 17 August 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Latest Excellent Revelations about Akufo Addo

? Prior to making known the revelations to the public, I will first have to whet your appetite and curiosity by some lyrics from Peter Tosh’s songs.

"Legalize it. Don’t criticize it. Legalize it, yeah, yeah. I will advertise it" and "Equal Rights – Everyone is crying out for peace, yes . None is crying out for justice. I don’t want no peace. I need equal rights and justice"

? ? The good news for today is, the Almighty God has reaffirmed his earlier revelation to Kofi Basoah from Asante-Juaben about Nana Akufo Addo. I have advertised that earlier revelation in my write-ups so much so that I hope the message has reached every nook and cranny throughout Ghana.

? ? I invite all discerning Ghanaians to cheer up from today forward as God has answered their supplications to Him on behalf of Nana Akufo Addo Dankwah. This time again has He revealed to Kofi Basoah and one Kenneth also from Asante Juaben about how he has completed His plans and purpose for Nana Akufo Addo.

? ? In two recent dreams by Kofi Basoah, in his first dream a few weeks ago, he saw that a large crowd had gathered to hear the verdict by the Supreme Court. While eight of the judges had settled down, that vociferous female judge among them, Justice Sophia Adinyirah, was conspicuously missing. He, Kofi Basoah, went on his knees, prayed to God and asked, "please God, where is she? Please let her appear, I beg you". A few minutes later, there she was, coming to take her seat among the other judges. The crowd erupted in thunderous applause, rushing forward.

? ? The judges decided to postpone the declaration of the verdict saying, if they did, some of the people would joyously celebrate the verdict to the point that the joy itself would kill them. The huge size of the crowd with the possible concomitant stampede to follow the declaration was the motivating fear factor that made them decide to defer the pronouncement of judgment until a later date.

? In a second dream he had about six days ago, he saw a large congregation of chiefs. They were all immaculately adorned in kingly robes. Nana Akufo Addo was among them, similarly a king, much better dressed and was their head king. He was surrounded by the other chiefs who were paying homage to him. He, Kofi Basoah, was there. He requested to see Nana Akufo Addo and was allowed to. He approached Nana Akufo Addo and made the following request to him.

? ? "Please, Nana, now that you have become the biggest king, do provide the people of Afram Plains with potable water. They have no access to good drinking water and so are afflicted by water borne diseases that kill most of them prematurely". Nana assured him of assisting the people of the Afram Plains.

? ? Finally, one Kenneth as aforementioned, has also had a dream. In his dream, Nana Akufo Addo had been crowned a king, carried in a palanquin with a multitude of crowd following him and paying obeisance to him. Following far behind Nana’s crowd or procession was John Dramani Mahama also in a palanquin but followed only by four persons.

? ? Much as I cannot comment on Kenneth’s dream as it is the first time of me hearing about him and his dream, for that of Kofi Basoah, I can. Kofi’s dreams manifest same as they are revealed to him. Nana Akufo Addo wearing the kingly crown goes to confirm the earlier revelation to Kofi Basoah that Mahama stole the winning presidential Election 2012 results from him. God directed Kofi Basoah to ask the NPP to remain RESOLUTE which they have until now hence, the subsequent revelations to Kofi Basoah who has never been failed by the interpretations of his dreams.

? ? That of Kenneth however goes to give credence to the fact that Nana Akufo Addo will emerge victorious from the Supreme Court case. I therefore entreat all discerning Ghanaians, the supporters of justice and the entirety of the NPP family to remain resolute in their faith that Nana Akufo Addo did win Election 2012 and that it will be confirmed by the Supreme Court. The battle is still the Lord’s and God has declared His judgment and revealed it through Kofi Basoah and Kenneth.

? ? This is the good tidings I bring to all Ghanaians today, Wednesday, 14 August 2013.

? ? I dedicate this article to all those that believe in the truthfulness of God and what He is able to do. All NPP and discerning Ghanaians, take heart, for God has won the battle already for you. He will put smiles back on your face in a couple of weeks.

? Would Ghanaians in London please join the demonstration coming up on Friday, 16 August 2013 from 09:00 onwards at 10 Downing Street, the office and residence of the British Prime Minister? It is being organised by the Concerned Ghanaian patriots in the United Kingdom on the theme, "Justice and Peace" for Ghana. ? ? I have published two articles on the demonstration and it is daily being announced on Sources radio UK, WBLS and Naspa radios hence, there being no need to elaborate on it again.

? Greetings to Kofi Basoah and Kenneth.

? Rockson Adofo