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Opinions of Friday, 5 August 2022

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Laugh off NPP's sloganised 'Breaking the 8'

File photo of the NPP flag File photo of the NPP flag

The NPP's weaponised political slogan of "Breaking the 8" as a preparation for going into election 2024 is a pure political gimmick. It is fluid. It is without substance, hence totally deceptive.

Is the New Patriotic Party (NPP) serious to break the corruption-inducing cyclical 8-year power rotation between them and the National Democratic Congress (NDC)? If yes, how are they prepared for it and what are their strategies put in place?

As said in an Akan proverb, "Yen nfa nutu hunu na ek3 Baasere asore", to wit, "It is not by mere proclamation that one becomes a member of the Presbyterian Church". There must be seen to be demonstrable actions.

Do you break the 8 without any ability, capability, and readiness to communicate your government's achievements to the citizenry? Do you break the 8 without engaging the public to explain to them why Ghana is currently in an economic downturn; surely exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing devastating Russia/Ukraine war?

Do you break the 8 while most of your government ministers are seen to be living ostentatious and affluent lives in the midst of poverty-stricken Ghana where many are wailing for want of jobs and little money to keep them surviving?

Do you break the 8 in a situation where you make no efforts to counter the lies fed to the public by the NDC to make your government and party loathed by the citizenry? Do you break the 8 without bothering about there being no effective and honest party communication team let alone, resourcing the team with vital information and other accoutrement?

I see the NPP as just not being serious, if not complete jokers touting a slogan they know themselves to be unachievable going by their nonchalant, nonstrategic and open dithering behaviours in exhibition by the leaders.

Those that had helped them or seriously engaged in helping them, are not given recognition by the party leaders. All they care about is looking after their selfish parochial interests, the trait, but actually the self-denigration, of the Ghanaian or African politician. However, recognition like communication is an effective weapon in any successful business.

Why spend my precious time lamenting over the obstinacy, beckoning defeat, and laughable daydreaming attempts by the NPP to break the hateful and development-retarding cyclical 8-year change of power baton between them and NDC since no matter how best you advise them, they will not listen?

How can NPP break the 8 with rogues like Kwaku Ampratwu-Sarpong, the Member of Parliament for Mampong Constituency doubling as Deputy Foreign Minister, in power and insulting the Mamppong elders and constituents to their face?

Should NPP seriously desire to break the 8 which I see as far-fetched by the leadership's current behaviour, then they had better amend their ways and seek the help of a political strategist. For currently, they are not serious but only tickling themselves and laughing and running around like a headless chicken.

This is an indisputable fact! Take it or reject it, for that I care.