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Opinions of Thursday, 9 July 2020

Columnist: Amanda Clinton

Lawyer Clinton supports Prof. Naana Opoku- Agyemang

Lawyer Clinton supports female leadership - irrespective of Party affiliation Lawyer Clinton supports female leadership - irrespective of Party affiliation

I think it's historical that Ms Jane Naana Opoku-Agyeman is the first female running mate on a major Ghanaian party's presidential ticket.

It may come as a surprise to some but I predicted a very competent woman would get the running mate position. Women serve and treat these roles very seriously.

After the first female Attorney General in Ghana, Mrs Betty Mould Iddrisu, all subsequent Attorney Generals have been female because they do the job the State gives them.

In terms of what she brings to the table, as a former education minister and university professor, I am sure she is not only a technocrat but has the communication and personable skills to support and engage at senior level, irrespective of which party she serves.

We are witnessing history in 2020. May many more positions open up for bold, definitive and engaging female public figures without the mob harassment that comes when a female dares to compete at her level.