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Opinions of Sunday, 21 May 2017

Columnist: Victor Quarshie-Adonoo

Leadership of deceit: Nana Akufo-Addo in the spotlight

President Akufo-Addo President Akufo-Addo

The role political manifestoes play in political victories in Ghana cannot be over emphasized. Over the years political parties continue to use their manifestoes as marketing tools to woo voters to their side. The 2016 general election which saw Nana Addo winning political power is no exception. The back and forth that characterized the New Patriotic Party (NPP) manifesto launch is still fresh in the minds of many Ghanaians. Initially, I was confused about the delay but after a thorough analysis about the delay, I have now come to agree with my close friend, who said “they are delaying to launch the manifesto because of the lies it contained”.

It is interesting to note that despite the vague promises made by the NPP in their manifesto, Ghanaians bought their message of deceit and voted massively for them (NPP) with the hope of enjoying paradise on earth but alas….. The troubling realities of governance vis-à-vis the challenges on the ground is bound for them. As a citizen who refuses to be a spectator, I would like to write about the leadership of deceit exhibited by the veteran Ghanaian politician, Nana Addo-Danquah Akufo-Addo after the mantle of political leadership has been handed over to him by unsuspecting Ghanaians.

My decision to expose the lies on whose back Nana Addo rode to political power is not borne out of malice or to denigrate the person of the president but it is a good decision to awake Ghanaians to do the critical thinking of where we are heading to as a nation under Nana Addo. As a consummate politician who understands the dynamics of Ghanaian politics, it will be fair to set the records straight on very important national issues for posterity to judge. Yes, I know for sure that I will be receiving some backlashes from the powers that be for exposing Nana Addo’s lazy government but I am not perturbed. The truth hurts but it must be told no matter what.

I remember of course that this was not the first time that the NPP had gained power through lies and intimidation. There had been instances where the NPP as a party lied to Ghanaians. One will recalled that during the 2000 general elections, the Busia-Dombo-Danquah surrogates lied their way to power using many dubious strategies. The fear of Taifa killings is still fresh in the minds of many well-meaning Ghanaians. The promise of massive jobs for the youth at the time and the policy of turning local “chop bars” into beautiful restaurants is still leaving with Ghanaians.

Liars they say; “need to have good memories” The president must have good memories of what he promised Ghanaians, he must have good memories of how he and his deputy Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia chastised his predecessors. President Akufo Addo must have good memories of how he boasted of his capabilities to turn the fortunes of Ghana around for the benefit of all Ghanaians. Now that he had lied his way to power, he has started making flimsy excuses meant to ostensibly to renege on key promises he made in the heat of the campaigns.

Before I delve deep into the meat of the substantive issues, I will like to know what possibly could have motivated the veteran politician to make promises he cannot keep. Is it to lie to Ghanaians to become president at all cost or what? It still remains a known fact that no one forced the old man to make those promises. Mr. President, what influenced your thinking to tell Ghanaians that their children of school going age will attend school free without paying a dime? Was he under the influence of “pito” or what? If no, why the sudden change of mind?

We were in this country when Nana Addo and his party (NPP) has consistently touted the free SHS as one of their key policies they will be implementing aggressively when voted into power. Nana Addo has declared on many platforms including the international platforms about his vision to implement the free SHS even though the cost was not known to him. When the then NDC government argued that the free SHS must be progressively free, because it will be difficult to implement without the needed infrastructure in place, the NPP then in opposition vehemently refuted NDC’s claims and said the erstwhile NDC government led by John Mahama was visionless and has nothing good to offer Ghanaians. After lying to Ghanaians to gain political power, the Finance Minister during his budget presentation made a sudden U-turn by emphasizing that only first year students of SHS will benefit from the highly touted educational package. As if this is not enough, it now appears that only students with aggregate Six (6) will benefit from the free SHS promised Ghanaian children.

The big question which obviously needs to be answered by Nana Addo is; how many Ghanaian children get aggregate six each year in their BECE? But what is stopping Nana Addo from telling Ghanaians that the free SHS policy is meant for the rich and not the poor? What prevented the NPP from being truthful to Ghanaians like the NDC did? Why do you have to lie when you knew very well that what you were promising was not realistic? Where is Prof. Baffour Gyan who was seen making so much noise on many media platforms about the said policy? I wonder why people who are supposed to use their expertise for common good of our nation just decide to throw their integrity to the dogs for political expediency. This sudden U-turn made by the NPP government led by Nana Addo is betrayal to the highest order and they will surely pay back in their own coin no matter how long it takes.

Again, this government led by Nana Addo promised Ghanaians that there will be significant reduction in electricity tariffs and transportation fares through the removal of the energy sector levy, removal of import duties on raw materials and machinery for production, reduction in Drivers’ Insurance Levies and cost of license but can same be said of the “419” budget presented by the Hon. Finance Minister? Is it not shocking to hear the Senior Minister, Hon. Yaw Osafo Mafo telling Ghanaians at the recently organized policy submit that they should be ready to pay realistic tariffs? Oh My God! What kind of deceitful leadership is this? Wonders they say shall never end.

The least said about the discriminatory tax removals the better. A national budget is supposed to be fair, just and benefit all Ghanaians irrespective of their creed, political colorations or social status but to satisfy one group of tax payers at the expense of other groups is highly unfair. The deceitful nature of which the NPP government scraped the negligible “Kayaye” (head potters) market toll at the expense of other traders is highly discriminatory. To me, this was done purposely to score cheap political points. Thousands of well-meaning Ghanaians can attest to these facts and judge for themselves.

I have being thinking seriously about the state of lawlessness under the watch of Nana Addo. In fact, if there could be abuse of the rule of law in Ghana under any government, that certainly should not be Nana Addo’s government; a man who carries himself as the apostle of the rule of law and good governance but what do we see today? Where in Ghana do we see this kind of brutalities meted out to fellow Ghanaians in our fourth republican political history? No!

It will interest you to note that few days into the Akufo Addo’s government, a lot of inhumane treatment has been meted out to innocent Ghanaians in which certain lives were bitterly lost and other victims leaving with life threatening injuries. These gory and reckless incidents were perpetrated by wicked Invisible Forces and Delta Force members; a para-military wing of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) under the guise of protecting state properties. Not too long ago, we were in this country under the leadership of Nana Addo when some sixteen men wielding AK47 riffles believed to be military personnel, and others from the National Security, under the order power brokers at the presidency.

Ransacked the home of Kofi Adams, National Organizer of the NDC party in a Rambo style and confiscated five vehicles rightly belonging to him. As if that was not enough, homes of Elvis Afriyie Ankrah, A former minister of state, James Agyenim Boateng, an aide to the former Vice President, HE K.B Amissah Arthur and other appointees of the erstwhile NDC government were not spared the unlawful invasion in search of allegedly missing state cars. During these lawless operations the Serbian and South African trained hooligans did not spare the same state properties they claimed to be protecting. State properties including tool booths, NHIS, NADMO, DVLA, RCC offices were not spared the wrath of these NPP thugs.

Workers who were going about their normal duties in the above mentioned state owned institutions have been harassed and molested by these vigilante groups but who cares? The brutal ejection from office of Mr. George Adjei, a security capo appointed by HE the president as Ashanti Regional Security Coordinator by Delta Force has cast a slur on Nana Addo’s government. These unprovoked attacks on Ghanaians by NPP’s own blood-thirsty vigilante groups is highly dangerous and a serious threat to the integrity of our democracy but little is being done by the president to stop these occurrences. Vigilantism under Nana Addo supported by senior members of the NPP must be a worry to many peace loving Ghanaians.

What saddens me most is the dead silence by the president in the wake of these unfortunate happenings. Does the president want all of us to be consumed by his militant groups before he show leadership to arrest the situation? Is this the way he intended to govern our nation Ghana when he told the world in his plagiarized inaugural speech that he is going to protect all Ghanaians no matter their political coloration? Didn’t he say whether we voted for him or not, we will be protected? Is this thugery what he calls protection of the Ghanaian citizens? There is no doubt in my mind that the president does not believe in the rule of law as he claims. He says he is an advocate for human rights, but he is just a hypocrite who rode on the soaring wing of lies to gain political power. Well, this at least reaffirms Kofi Koomson’s claim that he can’t sleep and feel safe should Nana Addo wins the presidency.

I still vividly remember what the President promised the illegal miners in Obuasi. Ghanaians would recall that during one of Nana Addo’s campaign tours in Obuasi he assured the illicit miners that “I was here in Obuasi to say that galamsey, which I prefer to call small-scale mining, will be regularized, to ensure that the youth find work to do. Shortly afterwards, Mahama also came here to tell you that I was lying, and that Akufo-Addo government will rather sack everyone involved in galamsey”

The above statement made by Nana Addo is a clear-cut indication of his avowed commitment to promote galamsey in the country. So how can the Chinese government take the president serious as someone who wants to fight the galamsey menace? This should also tell Ghanaians why John Peter Amewu, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, was pleading with the Chinese Ambassador during their recent engagement. The blatant truth is that President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo does not have the guts and the bravado to fight illegal small-scale mining (galamsey) in the country because some of his financiers are directly involved the illegal business.

You see, the issue with Nana Addo’s deceitful nature is not in doubt. He was not truthful to Ghanaians. He lied his way to power thinking he can blame the NDC for his woes but the troubling realities of governance is now hanging as an albatross on his neck. Ghanaians were warned against voting for the old man but they never listened. The hard truth is, your bad vote you cast for Nana Addo will leave with you for four (4) solid years.