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Opinions of Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Columnist: Gafar Abdul Aziz

Leading the charge for a better Wa Central Constituency, the Lawyer Wahid Bampuori way

Wahid Iddrisu Bampuori, Lawyer Wahid Iddrisu Bampuori, Lawyer

The Wa Central Constituency has been one of the oldest parliamentary constituencies as far as the fourth republican dispensation in Ghana is concerned.

This constituency found in the regional capital of the upper west region undoubtedly is the gateway to the region. It is also the most populous constituency in the region and among the most populous across the country with a total voter population of a little under ninety thousand. With such features and characteristics, the constituency shall rank so highly and compete fairly with most of the other favorably flourishing constituencies across the country.

Rather unfortunately, the Wa Central Constituency has not been able to attract the needed headlines and attention in terms of fiscal, economic and spatial development and infrastructure.

Despite government, state and private interventions, the constituency still lags far behind. The socio-economic, as well as socio-political dynamics, do not offer any hope in the youth most especially and the generality of the populace in the constituency.

This calls for a well-thought paradigm shift in the quality and standard of leadership as far as the position of Member of Parliament for the Wa Central Constituency is concerned.

The Wa Central Constituency needs a pragmatic, proactive, connected and resourceful member of parliament to be able to adequately represent its constituents in parliament. Such attributes will help the constituency to realize its varied aspirations and expectations.

Having tried two candidates since 1992, it is time for the constituency to try a different candidate who has garnered for himself the necessary and needed experience politically and administratively to fly the flag of the Wa Central Constituency in the next parliament come 2025, God-willing.

A careful glance at the caliber of personalities expressing interest in succeeding the incumbent Member of Parliament reveals Lawyer Wahid Iddrisu Bampuori as the best among the rest.

This assertion or conclusion is not borne out of the vacuum but supported by his enviable track record as a dedicated, loyal and experienced party member who has risen through the ranks from his student days up to today. His commitment and loyalty to the party as seen him play various roles and take various responsibilities to bolster and grow the National Democratic Congress.

Mr Wahid Iddrisu Bampuori brings to the table of members of Parliament a thorough skills-set that will see him advocate and lobby for the much-needed interventions that will propel the constituency and drive an agenda of meeting the aspirations of the constituents.

This agenda of inclusiveness and inclusivity will help build a strong and united constituency devoid of any inconsequential divisiveness and factionalism. Such an agenda will even traverse and go beyond partisan political interest.

He will lead a Wa Central Constituency Agenda. He hopes to achieve this by putting in place mechanisms by which he will have constant interactions with all constituencies to hear their concerns, views, opinions, challenges and expectations.

To this he will operate a well-resourced office for the Member of Parliament that will be open to the general public just like every other public office. This will help the constituents to access the MP for him to be abreast with the varied views, challenges and expectations of the Constituents.

Beyond this, Lawyer Wahid Iddrisu Bampuori as Member of Parliament will hold physical interaction sessions with the constituents in the form of town hall meetings to listen to and address the concerns of the constituents on a periodic basis.

This constant interactive agenda for the Wa Central Constituency will also see the MP having scheduled press engagements with the media to explain the various interventions, programmes and projects initiated within the constituency by the government, the Member of Parliament, Non-Governmental Organisations and other development partners.

This will foster an open-door and transparent regime that will engender a sense of hope and belief in the office of the Member of Parliament for the Wa Central Constituency.

The candidature of Lawyer Wahid Iddrisu Bampruori undoubtedly portends hope for the average Wa Central Constituent. Let salvage our constituency together in 2024.