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Opinions of Thursday, 20 December 2012

Columnist: Tuffour, Alex

Let Peace Prevail

Its really surprising to hear what is going on in Ghana about the elections. The electoral commission headed by Dr Afari Gyan has proved that the commission is not competent.How can an election be held for almost three days with lights out and even the biometric verification machine not working,these things could have been checked before the elections.Everything started with the creation of the new constituencies about only three months to the elections.The people of Ghana protested against the creation of the new constituencies ,yet the commission together with the N.D.C government insisted that the new constituencies must be created.

It brought about confusion in the fabric of the whole Ghanaian society.With other politicians,the clergy,professionals and the citizens opposing it,yet the commission together with the government created the constituencies. The government and the media controlled by the government manipulated the commission to the extend that it couldn't exercise

its functions with authority.People are criticising Afari Gyan and the commission because it was not acting as a real referee.

And when two football teams are playing and the referee is on one side its very difficult for the other team to even score a goal. Its not surprising that people are pointing accusing fingers at the commission and the N.D.C government of rigging the election.What will be good and understanding for the people of Ghana is that the commission must be a real independent from government control with the formation of the commission with representatives from the various political parties and other social organizations like the clergy and other professional authorities.It will help not to allow the government not being able to control or manipulate the commission and also elections.So that the citizens will accept any decision taken by the commission.

Even though the results are painful to most Ghanaians and especially the New Patriotic Party (n.p.p) we must come together as one country with one common destiny. For over two decades Ghana has chosen the path of democracy over dictatorship and peace and stability over anarchy. Ghanaians has chosen to resolve their differences without bloodshed.In his address to Ghanaians in our parliament in Accra during his visit, president of the United states of America Barrack Obama praised Ghanaians for working hard to put democracy firmer footing.therefore Dr.Afari Gyan and the electoral commission must not try to bring that rare African feet of peaceful transfer of power.Ghana has chosen to lead Africa towards breaking the cycle of political violence.We must not forget the disastrous in elections in Kenya,Ivory coast and other African countries which brought a huge setback to their economy,reputation and future.We are an open country with an active civil society which will create a sound investment climate. The president should not forget his promise to be a unifier,peaceful,humble and listening.Ghana must try to be the paradigm of a thriving democracy which heeds to the whispers of peace and tranquility.please lets try to let peace prevail.

Alex Tuffour

[email protected]