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Opinions of Thursday, 11 January 2007

Columnist: Fiagbeto, Yao

Let The Best Flagbearer And Party Wins

Hi Good honorable men and women of Ghana,

I salute you in the name of our young found democracy and as we prepare for the coming Presidential election, I pray the best flagbearer and Party wins, and from then on I would like us all to contemplate on the following as we fish for the best lasting democratic system that will elevate, honor, cherish and love our unique tribal compositions with a solid rock of continuous amicable co-existence in this great land and continent of ours. Now my fears and hopes for Ghana and Africa democracy.

Great things happen to Great men if they honorably resign from position of honor for the good of all. Thus eight years of presidency of any individual is a great accomplishment not to taken lightly. Haviing said that fellow citizens, it is important to elect future flag bearers who tested the quest for local elections and are successful in alleviating the suffering of their own localities through creation of jobs and infusion of capital into their local economy. This should be the benchmark for which national parties should elect a flag bearer, therefore it is obvious Ghana's democracy or African democracy is in trouble.

African Presidential elections are becoming too expensive like the US and it is becoming an opportunity for the most powerful and the dumbest who cannot even relate proudly to their birth constituencies to lay claim to our national banner as a birthright. Africa for that matter Ghana seriously needs to consider British parliamentary system of government eventhough not perfect is less expensive to conduct which if emulated could be tailored to reflect the African personality and needs.

In that system only and ONLY those elected to parliament from their various constituencies and have demonstrated intellectual brilliance qualifies to become leader of a political party which subsequently elevates such a person into a President or Prime Minister if their party happens to be in the majority in parliament. Please let future parliament revisit our current Presidential system of government in Ghana for the good of future generation. God Bless Ghana’s Democracy and the Anlo constituency.

Yao Fiagbeto
Atlanta Georgia.

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