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Opinions of Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Columnist: Abdulai, Alhaji Alhasan

Let’s heed the call to be punctual to work places, schools and functions

President Akufo-Addo President Akufo-Addo

By Alhaji Alhasan Abdulai

President Nana Addo Danquah Akufo Addo made a statement during his first state of the nation address to the 7th parliament that was quite profound. That statement, though simple, was a fundamental requirement for economic development of all nations of the world including Ghana.

The president re-launched an appeal to all to ‘be punctual’ to work, to every function and social activities.

He made the right statement because that is the only way we can boost productivity, and redeem our nation. Before Nana Addo’s admonition many political religious and traditional leaders have been lamenting over the need for all to desist from being late to work and functions.

Many Ghanaians consider lateness as GMT meaning Ghana Mans Time. For that matter, many Ghanaians would definitely be an hour or two late work and functions. most people are not bothered when they turn up late to personal and official appointments. However, the time has come for us to move away from this culture of lateness to work and functions. Just as most of us go to our churches on time in obedience to God an even our deities let us resole to throw away behind us lateness to work and functions and be punctual.

Authorities in our schools’, work places must enforce rules attendance rules by punishing late comers. This way all of us would contribute towards increase in productivity discipline and increase in revenue at local and national levels. Perhaps the government working with the relevant organizations as the Ministry of Information the National Commission for Civic Education and all government heads must work out a strategy for reorientation on work ethics in Ghana.

This nationwide program must be followed by monitoring and evaluation by officials of government and NCCE to determine to what extent Ghanaians would adhere to the call for them to be punctual.

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