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Opinions of Wednesday, 4 May 2022

Columnist: Awine Emmanuel John Agangzesum

Let's start afresh

Heads of institutions need to take decisions in the country's interest Heads of institutions need to take decisions in the country's interest

As a nation, we ought to at a point pull the breaks and have a moment of reflection. And if there's any perfect day to do this, especially for Christians, then it's today.

We need grace and strength to overcome our temptations. The Spirit of reconciliation to forgive our enemies.

Kindness and boldness to share with the less privileged and to speak the truth at all material times.
Above all, let the manifestation of the wisdom and humility of Christ be made manifest in our lives.

May we focus more on the symbolism of the Death and Resurrection of Christ today. May we not think so much of ourselves and our immediate families that we have to cheat, rob, kill, lie, and bribe for our parochial interest at the expense of the people we are made leaders over.

May we always think about the future, of leaving a legacy that endures generations. A legacy that pays off. Let's become unto others what Christ became for us.

I pray that those entrusted with positions of power, those with the mandate to make policies, those clouded with the power to hire and fire will use today to reflect on their past actions and hence repent.

May Young people get recruitment into the security forces without having to go and see a big man or pay a bribe. May our educational institutions be fair to all manner of persons. May Young graduates who are looking for a posting not be asked to pay money to a big man before he or she receives his posting or transfer.

May all our heads of institutions take decisions in the national interest devoid of Political, ethnic, religious, or regional consideration. That they will be fair to all.

I pray that our institutions of democracy will from today assert their Independence and neutrality. That henceforth, they will give equal opportunities to all manner of persons. That the Young man who has all the qualifications and skills will be priorities instead of protocol list.

If our institutions fail in this regard, they fail the youth. They fail everyone. Especially in a country that is politicized. Let us find hope in these institutions.

We pray for leaders who will promise the youth the Independence of all State institutions. Including the Judicial system. So that the Young man from the village who doesn't know anyone can have hope that he will be treated based on merit and not connections.