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Opinions of Saturday, 22 October 2022

Columnist: Richard Agyemang

Let's support government industrialization drive, it's an opportunity to deal with dollar threat

Dollars Dollars

The trend in global currency depreciation against the US dollar clearly points to the fact that America is doing something right. Therefore wobbling in a continuous blame game by virtue of politics would never help Ghana.

What is happening is because America is doing something right, not that Ghana is doing anything wrong. If there is any marked wrongdoings spotted, it is the unnecessary speculation embarked upon by a large section if society, ably supported by media as rightly indicated by a friend a colleague.

The media have succeeded in destroying our football and now onto our currency. Brethren, care must be taken. Lest we laugh at the wrong side of our mouths.

Whilst the Ghana Cedi is 15:1usd, the Thai Baht is 38.8:1usd. Yet there are no panic in Thailand and the country has one of the cheapest cost of living index the world over. Why is it the opposite in Ghana?

The solution is simple, they succeeded in industrializing their economy and the citizenry have thus responded by localizing their taste. They barely purchase any basic necessities from USA, or anywhere outside the ASEAN Region, and are therefore less mindful of Dollar's rise against their currency.

This government (NPP) has undertaken serious industrialisation drive. And if we continue keeping our eyes on the ball, we can get our asses off the dollar heddle. The government is doing it right.

The Adonko Company used to import the Adonko Next Level Energy Drink from Germany. They had utilized government's One-District-One-Factory programme to establish their own plant in Ghana. Therefore whilst other energy drink's products cost keeps soaring by the day, Adonko Next Level is making inroads onto the markets with price stability.That is a great business strategy.

Many businesses in Ghana would want government to absorb all the shocks whilst they enjoy their profits. They do not behave like typical private businesses. They rather behave like subvented PLCs.

When government removed the 30% tax deduction on imported products at the Ports, mainly to shore-up interest in locally produced ones and to protect and promote growth of local industries, it became a banter between GUTA and AGI with the later supporting government while the former cried wolf. But now that the dollar is moving up, the same GUTA, who chastised government for attempting to protect local industries(AGI), is calling on government to protect them. Why?!?!?

Our nation is suffering because people discuss personal interests not national interest. The rent-seeking behaviour must cease forthwith.