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Opinions of Wednesday, 24 January 2007

Columnist: Amankwah, Nana Kofi

Let us clean the environment for our anniversary

As our dear nation is preparing for the 50th anniversary let us all unite and start major clean up exercises in urban areas, villages and various community centers. These clean up exercises were at one time organized by the Accra Metropolitan Assembly and the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly. They were very effective exercises for the nation and the municipal councils.

This year the 50th anniversary of our nation’s independent will mean many foreign dignitaries, visitors from the African continent, Europe, and other parts of the world to join us in our birthday jubilee. This celebration should not only be seen as the first Africa nation to have had his independence from the British imperial colonization, but as a nation that take cares of social issues, and the environment of its citizens.

This is also the time for every citizen to show their patriotism towards our dear nation in unity for this clean up exercises. This clean-up exercise should not be the sole responsibility of the government. All citizens must contribute to protect the environments. John Agyekum Kuffour should take these steps regarding the environment to protect the entire image of our country, through focusing on reducing negative perceptions.

Kuffour should schedule town meetings with the traditional rulers to organize these clean exercises on a weekly basis with the government support. Kuffour must show his command of these issues and be a leader. He has never revered to environmental clean issues. These clean up exercises should be our long term goals to accomplish. Not a short time goal that can be accomplished in weeks or months but for long term environmental problem solving. We should not allow for foreigners to see how dirty our urban city has become.

The minister of health should use his common sense to adopt this fundamental ideology for this clean-up exercise. So far people litter and toxic substances are every where. Garbage is everywhere. Our drinking waters will be poisoned and the air we breathe will continued to be polluted. If we continue to do these cleaning exercises, malaria disease, will be reduced and cancer cases which the community health center and nations hospitals have being facing.

It is imperative for the minister of health to acknowledge that these clean up exercise will help his ministry to save revenues and help the nation and its citizens if these clean- up exercises continue on a weekly basis across the country. The nation will hold the health minister accountable if he fails to adopt these principles and conditions that need to be implemented, for our nation health. This will provide healthier and cleaner environments in urban areas and the entire nation. These clean -up exercises should include all university students, high school students, junior high, police, politicians, ministers, business-man and women.

This will show strong solidarity and unity for our dear nation’s 50th anniversary.

From: Nana Kofi Amankwah (New York)

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