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Opinions of Monday, 11 December 2023

Columnist: Peter Idi Kuubaare

Let us commend the IGP for job well done

Inspector-General of Police Dr George Akuffo Dampare Inspector-General of Police Dr George Akuffo Dampare

I write to commend the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dr. George Akuffo Dampare, for the able manner he acted by transferring the Upper West Regional Police commander, DCOP Gabriel Prince Waabu who has been reassigned to the police headquarters intelligence unit in Accra.

DCOP Gabriel Prince Waabu hails from the Upper West Region and one would have thought that being a native of the region, he would have used that to fight crime in the region especially when he had his secondary education for several years before joining the Ghana police service. But that is never the case.

In fact, he was the deputy police regional commander and worked under one commander Peter Ndekuguri and when Ndekuguri proceeded on his compulsory retirement, Mr. Waabu was given the chance to serve as the regional commander for the Upper West Region. Upon his assumption of the regional police command, the security situation in the region started deteriorating in a worse manner.

Stealing of motorbikes, broad daylight robberies, and snatching of bags by criminals within the region, especially the regional capital, Wa, resurfaced after the then-commander Ndekuguri had successfully controlled the situation. What must have accounted for the failure of Mr. Gabriel Prince Waabu as the Upper West Regional police commander? It is very easy to tell from the conduct of the police officer, DCOP Gabriel Prince Waabu.

It is so bad that people who called on him to give him a tip-off, since without it, the police service can’t succeed, were made to regret their actions for calling this public officer for the good of the society they live in. At times he sat in his office with schoolmates, notable among was a man called Stone (A bald man),’ Facebooking’, while people with genuine security cases and concerns waited outside his office for hours on end. Such is the nature of the man DCOP Gabriel Prince Waabu.

His character was so bad that it led to general indiscipline within the police service in the Upper West Region to the extent that the other ranks could openly challenge his authority leading to the breakdown of discipline and orderly police work especially in the regional capital Wa. There had been situations where he transferred officers and they refused to go and virtually nothing happened.

This DCOP Gabriel Prince Waabu was also engaged in land-related issues which have now become the ‘norm’. We all know that the police are in to keep peace and so any time there is/was a land dispute between two disputing parties, instead of the police in Wa staying neutral and allowing the civil angle of the law to take precedence over the matter, under commander Gabriel Prince Waabu, the police in the Upper West Region behaved and continue to behave by constituting itself a kind of ‘court’ and judging and passing ‘verdicts’ on land related matters and this is causing mayhem everywhere in the region especially Wa..

It is still happening. That is a fact! One is quite sure that if the IGP does not take a serious look at this matter and ensure that the police do not meddle in land-related matters in the Upper West Region, the situation will degenerate one day and create an unimaginable situation in the region. What is required and it is that simple is that, after police intervention in land disputes and restoring peace, they should refer the matter to the court system.

It is that straightforward! They should not act under the guise of bringing peace to land disputes and sit on cases and pass judgment on them, especially to the highest bidder. Mr. IGP we want you to look at this matter seriously this is because it is becoming unbecoming.

There is a lot we can say about this transferred police officer Gabriel Prince Waabu to police headquarters. And we want this to serve as a guide to the incoming regional commander. For example early this year there was a serious land dispute in the Wa East district which led to the needless death of some people. The situation was not handled with police professional competence as the then regional police commander DCOP Gabriel Prince Waabu treated it as a ‘war situation’ and the matter was buried without anybody being brought to book.

It was a kind of madness when someone from Kabanye, a section of Wa, went to claim ownership of an area in the Wa East district, which led to this needless bloodletting spree.

To say that Mr. Gabriel has respect for people is an understatement. And one particular group of people he loathes most is media men and women in the region. He could call a media man or woman on a matter to his office and falsely accuse him or her and subject him or her to open insults and intimidation.

We would like to use this opportunity to thank the Inspector General of Police Dr. George Dampare Akuffo, for having his ears on the ground by acting appropriately and swiftly by reshuffling the Upper West Regional Police Commander DCOP Gabriel Prince Waabu to police headquarters.

It is our fervent hope and prayer that the IGP, Dr. Dampare will continue to serve the people of Ghana with utmost faith, resilience, and without any fear or favor.

To the IGP we say thank you for acting swiftly to save a situation. But let your ears be on the ground for your good works are being appreciated by all.

Thank you Mr. IGP!!!