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Opinions of Friday, 13 January 2017

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fadi

Let your heads roll in shame, Eugene’s remains intact

Fadi Dabbousi Fadi Dabbousi

I am disgusted by the extreme level of hatred and jealousy that are being exhibited by some miscreants who have found a reason to legitimise their wish to destroy a young man purely out of evil and malignance. I am equally appalled at the show of sadism, asking for an innocent head to roll for a mistake that is not a mistake.

First of all, aside the fact that Eugene is equal to the junior brother I do not have, I also had the opportunity to work with him in the media landscape at the time that I was producing “The Daily Journal”. He was most professional at what he did - a blessing to those who find him in their midst. His Excellency the President couldn’t have found a better person for the position given Eugene Arhin.

He has amazing multi-dexterous qualities the likes of which NDC is certainly bereft of. In fact, if this leaking umbrella party were to have three people with Eugene Arhin’s sense, the NDC will no longer be branded as a party of fools.

How come the vagabonds of politics are calling for his head to roll over plagiarism when H.E. the President’s speech was legitimately written within the limits of speech construction? After all, John Dramani Mahama’s inaugural speech in 2013 plagiarised President John F. Kennedy’s of America word for word in some instances. I did not hear the empty barrels of the NDC call for heads to roll. Luckily, Ghanaians rolled John Mahama’s head and the heads of all those freaks of nature in the visionless, incompetent government of the immediate past.

The NDC non-entities do not read, and if they do they hardly understand because their gumptions are shadowed by too much evil. I am trying to simplify this article to enable them read and understand, though I doubt they will.

You see, the NDC had empty barrels like Kokoon Anyidoho, Kofi Adams, the Oedipus head Kojo Twum Boafo, Ametor Kwame, Omane Boamah, Okudzeto Ablakwa, Okoe Vanderpuye, and many more buffoons who made unnecessary noise to legalise the thefts of John Mahama’s family, friends, surrogates, and their entire government.

They never called for heads to roll over the smelly AmeriDeal, missing $600 million Dollars that vanished without a trace, the World cup fiasco, and uncountable cases of financial loss caused the State. Do they think that we have forgotten how they looted the country? Nsawam is waiting!

Eugene is a young man, who has everything going for him. That is not because he is handsome, which he is…ne ho f3 pa pa, or because of his pedigree, NO. It is because of the super brains and wisdom that he possesses. Instead of supporting him, the jealous youth of the NDC are calling for his head to roll because they feel the real haplessness, hopelessness, uselessness, and emptiness that they are sobering to. Mutani Banza!

Let me add to your woes and inform you that Eugene Arhin is not going anywhere. In fact he will only continue to soar higher and higher chocking more feats of success at the feet of the President of the Republic of Ghana, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

If that does not help exorcise you, please find a bare electricity cable and hold on to it for dear life. Our boat does not feel the tempest of the devil, for we have always maintained that The Battle is The Lord’s.

#NDCOnaapo #EugeneRemains