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Opinions of Friday, 25 November 2005

Columnist: J. A. Fukuor/Daily Dispatch

Letter From The President: A Nation Shamed!

Countrymen and women, honourables and dishonourables, bootlickers and staunch opponents,
I am in shock as I write this letter. How can I not be shocked when a man who is supposed to know better has shamed our country? I am talking about the MP for Nkoranza North who has been arrested in the Bushman?s country for possessing heroin with the intention of selling it. He would have made an estimated six million dollars if he had not been arrested.

It?s true that our law books say that a person is innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately in the case of the dishonourable MP, the evidence against him is so much that I believe the court will definitely find him guilty. He will surely go to jail to spend a minimum of ten years. He might even be jailed for life. I wish he would be given the maximum sentence prescribed by US law. If he is convicted, I pray that he rots in jail. I am in no mood to plead for forgiveness on his behalf and I want to ask all those (in government, of course) who have been trying to get him off the hook to stop and stop NOW!