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Opinions of Monday, 18 June 2007

Columnist: J. A. Fukuor/Daily Dispatch

Letter From The President: Georgina's to-do list

Dear Georgina,
you are a very special woman. You know that already, don’t you? That’s why this week, instead of writing to all my countrymen and women, loyalists and opponents, I am writing this special letter to you. You and I have made history together: I am the first president to appoint a female chief justice and you are the first woman to occupy that important office. Your appointment is testimony to my feminist credentials and my strong belief that women are as capable (if not more capable) than men in any field of endeavour. I have every confidence in your impartiality, intellect and experience and I believe that giving the necessary support, you would be able to make a difference in the administration of justice in Sikaman. I don’t want to beat about the bush so I am going to go straight to the point and to spell out what I expect you to do.

I will start off by saying that the two other chief justices I’ve appointed spewed a lot of hot air, promised a lot and delivered very little. The late Acquah was, especially, very willing to spell out his vision without necessarily doing much. I am not saying he did nothing; he did something but it wasn’t enough. Unfortunately, he died and so I am not so inclined to cast too much doubts on his legacy. So, top on my to-do list for you, Georgina is for you to be less talkative. Don’t make promises you can’t fulfill. Focus on what you can do and do it as best as you can without talking too much like Acquah did.