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Opinions of Friday, 19 August 2005

Columnist: J. A. Fukuor/Daily Dispatch

Letter From The President: Gizelle?s Second Coming

Countrymen and women, loyalists and opponents,

?That woman who claims to have been employed here in the Castle? is coming to Sikaman ? again. Perhaps, I should be scared but am not. That woman (her name is Gizelle, in case you didn?t know) claims to have evidence to prove that my son?s hotel is mine. She wants to present all her documents to CHRAJ in the hopes that I could come out of this a little damaged, if not destroyed. But let me assure you all that my conscience has been washed clean and I can say without any doubt that I have very little ? if anything at all ? to hide. The few things I need to hide are being hidden very well. So I am not afraid of Gizelle?s second coming. I say bring her on! What is bothering me now is the groups which have suddenly sprung up ? one in support of her arrival and the other in opposition to her visit.