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Opinions of Friday, 8 July 2005

Columnist: J. A. Fukuor/Daily Dispatch

Letter From The President: No term limit changes!

Countrymen and women, loyalists and opponents, I?ve long admired Prof. Steve Adei of GIMPA. I loved everything about him ? even his moustache and beard. I thought he was an excellent manager and administrator. That?s why I appointed him to the board of the national broadcast network. But his tenure at GBC revealed his hollowness. He?s all talk and very little action. He didn?t do much good at GBC and I therefore decided to sack him.
Over the last weekend, he made a suggestion, which I find ludicrous and absolutely unnecessary. He wants the constitution amended to increase the presidential term limit from four to seven years. His explanation is that the president needs more time to carry out his mandate and seven years is ideal, considering the fact that president usually spends about half of the first year of his term to build his team. He made these comments in his speech at the annual marketing awards ? which I have problems with by the way. How was Mobitel adjudged the ICT company of the year when their network is so lousy? The award givers should bow their heads in shame and I won?t say much about who won what.