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Opinions of Friday, 29 September 2006

Columnist: J. A. Fukuor/Daily Dispatch

Letter From The President: Outrageous nomination fees

Countrymen and women, loyalists and opponents
I returned home a few days ago from my two-week journey abroad to so much controversy and uncertainty. There is the cocaine controversy over which a report has been just recently been issued. And there is the Anena (to sack or not to sack) case, which was the subject of my letter last week. Amidst the controversy, there was some hope and I must say excitement.
I was so excited when I heard in New York that Ekow (or is it Ekwow) Spio has formally declared his intention to contest for the NDC’s presidential slot. I think it is a bold, wise move which will leave our democracy as the ultimate winner. I think Spio will make a fine president and I will recommend him to the NDC delegates who will be going to congress later in the year. Can you imagine Spio squaring off with Nana Addo or Prof. Frempong Boateng?