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Opinions of Friday, 19 May 2006

Columnist: J. A. Fukuor/Daily Dispatch

Letter From The President: Reshuffle II? the facts

Countrymen and women, loyalists and opponents, last week I undertook the second phase of my reshuffle programme to get rid of a few bad nuts and in the process trim my government to almost Jerry Boom levels. Try as much as I did I couldn?t reach my target of 70 because I still have an obligation to create jobs for the boys (and some few girls).

We now have 79 ministers of state in all and I want you to appreciate the fact that I have come a long way. I started off by insultingly criticizing the size of Jerry Boom?s government. After I assumed the reins of power, I realized that when you are in opposition you don?t see the need to have so many ministers and deputy ministers because you don?t know about ?jobs for the boys?. So I begged for you to understand. Now, I am seeking to reduce the number of ministers to the number we had under Jerry Boom ? the size I criticized for being too large. Confused? Yeah, I am confused too.