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Opinions of Friday, 27 October 2006

Columnist: J. A. Fukuor/Daily Dispatch

Letter From The President: Talk is cheap

Countrymen and women, loyalists and opponents
last Sunday I clearly demonstrated beyond every doubt that a president can do (and say) very silly things. Many have said that I was wrong. No, I was not and I will tell you why.
Most of you think that I am superhuman and infallible. This sort of thinking tends to make demi-gods out mortals like me (who eat, drink, sleep, cry, ‘shank’ and fart like everyone else). The only difference between any ordinary John and me is that I have had the privilege of leading my people (to where I don’t know). I don’t like it when my citizens think that I am such an extraordinary being. That’s why I vowed to “demystify the presidency” when I first sat my bum on the Black Star Stool.
Well, like many of my unfulfilled promises, I haven’t really done much demystification so far. I still show up late for appointments, meetings and public gathering just to show who is boss. I still drive around in long convoys – from home to office, from office to home – everyday. In fact, I have come to the conclusion that the only way to make people realize that I am as ordinary as the next person is to talk by heart – as everyone else does in Sikaman.