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Opinions of Sunday, 28 May 2006

Columnist: J. A. Fukuor/Daily Dispatch

Letter From The President: That (offensive) gulfstream!

Countrymen and women, loyalists and opponents this week,
I am a bundle of mixed emotions. First, I feel so guilty for the serious financial losses I?ve caused the nation by keeping Jerry Boom?s gulfstream presidential jet for so long and yet refusing to use. On the other hand, I feel so proud that at long last, I have been able to get rid of it.
Through some financial machinations shrouded in secrecy (which is bound to generate controversy) and sheer genius, I have been able to dispose of the offensive jet which stood idle at the Airforce Station in Accra for almost six years.
Just to remind you, Jerry Boom bought the gulfstream a few months before he left office ostensibly because he was tired of flying in the old jet, which had come to be known as the flying coffin. When he bought it, I was in opposition and my job was to criticize everything he did. So I performed my duties to perfection, condemning the purchase of the jet as an unnecessary extravagance.