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Opinions of Friday, 23 February 2007

Columnist: J. A. Fukuor/Daily Dispatch

Letter From The President: Where did we go wrong?

Jubilee reflection III: Where did we go wrong?

Countrymen and women, loyalists and opponents the countdown has begun and in just a couple of weeks, we would be celebrating 50 years of nationhood. I don’t want to be a prophet of doom but I think we might be heading for a national embarrassment. With the main celebrations just a few days away, we’ve not done much to put our capital city in good shape to welcome the numerous tourists and visiting dignitaries – save for a couple of clean-up exercises and whitewashing of some buildings.
The man who is supposed to be overseeing the celebrations, Charlie B. ‘Ahomaso’, has just recently gone on the defensive/offensive after a well-meaning citizen (who just happens to be a minister of state) questioned how he’s been using the money we have allocated for the 50th anniversary festivities. Instead of answering the question, Charlie B chose to cast innuendos at the minister, accusing him of being the cause of the shameful electricity crisis we are grappling with.