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Opinions of Saturday, 15 August 2009

Columnist: Blege, Alex

Letter To Honourable Kwesi Bedzra

Mahatma Ghandhi once said "I am not a saint trying to be a politician but a politician trying to be saint" this quote I know will be loved by all politicians because it helps them to give the excuse that they must not be trusted all the time.

I am a native of one of the towns in the Ho West Constituency and since my childhood right up to my secondary school days at the Great Border Varsity, (Kpedze Secondary School to be precise) the Bame road which leads to my town and school has remained untarred.

On one occassion when I was travelling with my grandfather (who is late) remarked that each time one is travelling on this road you will dance till you get to your destination.A little push here and there, a hit on the roof of the vehicle as it bumps into a gulley takes the traveller tired and worn out to his hometown. The first time I travelled on the road was in 1993 and the last time was July 30 2009 that was when I was travelling to my home town for my grandfather's funeral. All along I thought I was going to experience a smooth journey from Bame to wherever I was bound for on the contrary I danced and had a good bath of dust on my face and on my suit which my grandfgather had bequeated to me untill I closer to my destination which had a portion of the road tarred.

I wondered how after a very long time nothing has been done to the road and we the people of the constituency have not held any body responsible. One thing I have come to realise about roads in Ghana is the tarred roads end at the entrance of the village and does not continue for a very long time. The towns along that road are all farming areas and I wonder how they cart their farm produce to the markets- only God in heaven can tell.

This same road links towns like Kpedze, Akome, Saviefe, Anfoe Tsebi to Kpeve and Hohoe but it has remained the same from the days of Mr, Joseph Agbotse the ex-member of parliament and nothing has been done about it. I have always asked myself why roads in the rural areas of Ghana only end at the entrance of the town but hardly gets into the town. Any one who knows the Ho West Constituency can attest to the fact that the road from Kpedze to Kpoeta did not even get to the entrance of Kpoeta where a lot of the cassava dough in the Volta Region comes from.

Honourable Bedzra please ensure that this road which has not known any tarring for only God knows how long be tarred once and for all.For a very long time the Bame road had been a road of dancing to your destination.