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Opinions of Saturday, 12 July 2014

Columnist: Akoto, Albert

Letter To Mr. Franklin Cudjoe

Dear Mr. Cudjoe,
I have followed your writings and work since you emerged with your Think Tank, IMANI onto the political and social scene of our dear country. I read, listen and watch anything that is associated with Franklin Cudjoe. The Think Tank which you head I can see is growing from strength to strength. Unlike someone like me who is clothed in blue, white and red your objectivity on national issues is always a sure banker.
I was not at all surprised when you were selected as one of the finest brains in the country to participate in the National Forum on the economy which gave birth to what has come to be known as the SENCHI CONSESUS. You even had the honour to brainstorm with one of the best policy analyst of our generation Madam Akua Donkor.
Mr. Cudjoe, if my mind serves me right you chastised the likes of me for our refusal to tag along. I will not begrudge you on that since it is your natural human right to do so. We assigned reasons for our inability to attend and I think you were right the reasons were not good enough to make us stay away from such an important gathering of the ‘best brains’ in the country. Nevertheless, to me it was the best election-oriented decision ever taken by my leaders.
Sir Franklin, it has been 12 weeks since our ‘best brains’ returned from Senchi with the magic wand to salvage our sinking economy. One would have thought that the government would without hesitation start to apply the Senchi Balm to sooth our wounds but we were asked to wait for the comprehensive document. After waiting for weeks for the full document we were told one of the most ridiculous stories of our time, it has delayed due to the passing away of the PV Obeng who played a pivotal role in the Senchi Forum.

Mr. Cudjoe, if I am not mistaken one of the main pillars of the Senchi Consensus was a moratorium on our mounting loans. Before we could say jack the government which has an insatiable appetite for borrowing has gone to a Bretton Woods institution to source for a loan. The ingredients that necessitated this loan have been thoroughly discussed so I will not want to bother you with it.
One reason that was trumpeted into our ears was that we needed a non-partisan platform as a nation to discuss issues of our dear nation. Not long ago the crime of a certain man from my side was to make a suggestion to the government that we need a reconstruction team as part of the efforts to get us from the economic doldrums we find ourselves. As usual the acidic tongue Deputy Minister of Misinformation Felix Kwakye Ofosu slapped him with a rebuttal “We have the men”. We told you so. The call for you to congregate at Sench was nothing but a PR GIMMICK and I am sorry to say you fell for one of their many tricks. The NDC is like Kwaku Ananse but what I am sure of is that they will weave and weave and ultimately caught up in their own web.