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Opinions of Friday, 10 November 2006

Columnist: J. A. Fukuor/Daily Dispatch

Letter from The President: As it was in â??99â?¦

Countrymen and women, loyalists and opponents,
I believe most of you do not remember a lot of the things that happened in Sikaman in 1999. I don’t remember much either. But I can offer a brief flashback. In 1999, I schemed, manipulated minds and orchestrated a lot of plans to ensure that I gained my party’s presidential slot. It was in 1999 that we asked you all to “examine your living conditions and vote wisely”. Don’t forget, Jerry Boom was still in power with Tata Mills as his vice and they were both behaving as if they owned this country, along with the likes of T. Aidoo, Kwame Peprah and Victor Selormey. I also remember that in 1999 there was a lot of economic gibberish floating around our ears. We used to hear people say things like “the microeconomic stability of the inflationary indicators have put pressure on the macroeconomic indicators stifling the local currency… blah…blah…blah”. Such nonsense simply meant that the economy was in reverse acceleration.