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Opinions of Wednesday, 30 June 2004

Columnist: Fukuor, J. A.

Letter from he Presdent: A Council without Counsel

Countrymen and women, loyalists and opponents
I was surprised the other time to watch part of the proceedings of the Speaker?s Breakfast Forum on TV. I saw men and women, from the Speaker of Parliament to Chief Executives to MPs and mere parliamentary ushers munching at doughnuts and ?forking? sausages, bacons and eggs. It was an interesting sight, which informed me about the table manners of some of the big men in our country. Now I know who I can invite to dinner and who I dare not sit at a dining table with. After all the good food, the speaker and his guests sat down to chat with a law professor about constitutional matters. It was quite a sizeable gathering. I wonder why people go to the Speaker?s Breakfast Forum anyway. Do they go there to feed on the sumptuous delights on the speaker?s dining table or they go to listen to the wise men who speak at the forum?