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Opinions of Friday, 15 September 2006

Columnist: J. A. Fukuor/Daily Dispatch

Letter from the President: The singing sheikh

Countrymen and women, loyalists and opponents, I am blushing as I write this letter. Surprised? Well, I didn’t know I could blush -- until a few days ago. We were launching my latest initiative -- a micro-credit scheme, which will undoubtedly fail because the loans will never be repaid. As I sat down waiting for my turn to say the usual ‘few words’, the Greater Accra Regional Minister, I. C., came to the microphone. I really don’t know how he got there. (I must have been dozing.) Suddenly there he was saying more than his share of the ‘few words’. He was gleefully and unashamedly pouring strange appellations on me. He did it in such a manner that if I had asked him to come over and lick the soles of my shoes, he would have done it with glee. Among other things, he compared me to Jesus Christ. I started blushing when he compared he mentioned my name and that of the Son of man in the same breath and I have not stopped blushing since. If I were not as black as soot, I would have been red all over. Whenever, I cast my mind back to that moment, I blush.