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Opinions of Sunday, 28 May 2023

Columnist: Nana Yaw Osei

Letter to Education Minister: Benkum SHS headmaster was framed-up!

The entrance to Benkum Senior High School The entrance to Benkum Senior High School

As the famous prescient commentator of the countervailing pressure of society, Ralph Waldo Emerson observed: "If the tongue had not been framed for articulation, man would still be a beast in the forest.”

As an ardent student of Immanuel Kant's transcendental idealism, I have a
fondness to give a voice to innocent people judged by the court of public opinion, and Judas Iscariot is no exception. By providence's benefaction, I have a book at my disposal, the gospel according to Judas Iscariot.

In the gospel according to Judas Iscariot chapter 35:11, Judas, who
pleaded not guilty to betraying Jesus stated: "So when Jesus said, get behind me, Satan, Judas understood his words to mean: you are stumbling blocks in my path, preventing me from carrying God’s holy will, because your wishes solely fulfill the desire of mankind and you fail to understand the way of God".

Individuals like Isaac Barnie popularly known as 'Sir Ike' who fulfilled the desire of mankind rather than God leveraged his friendship with Captain Smart of
Accra-based Onua TV to frame up and denigrate the embattled Benkum Senior High School Headmaster, Emmanuel Nyarko.

Nyarko is innocent and G.E.S Director-General must reinstate him immediately!

In psychology, illusory truth effect is the situation in which individuals believe that persistent lies can tend to be true. Historians may call it Goebbels tactics. I have no intention to be condescending, even so, I concede that every perspicacious social pundit knows this famous cliché: "Who comes into equity must come with clean hands". Suffice it to say that Nyarko truly
harassed the so-called 15 schoolgirls, what is the locus stand of Sir Ike, who teaches at Presbyterian Senior High Technical School, Kraboa, Coaltar in Suhum area to mastermind the interdiction of Nyarko?

Nyarko is the third High School headmaster to release Isaac Barnie. Apart from the Benkum student teacher-student sex tape in which he was implicated, he was released by two previous headmasters. I challenge G.E.S to go to Ghanata Senior High School located in Dodowa in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana for his records.

The G.E.S must also go to Akwapim Mampong Presbyterian Senior Schools for his records. Nyarko is the headmaster of a big High School in the Eastern Region of Ghana. In the 2004 WASSCE ranking, the only mixed High School in Ghana ahead of Benkum was Achimota School.

Achimota was 23rd and Benkum was in 24th position. Needless to say, I have no intention to be misogynist. There abounds, obstreperously lecherous and nymphomaniac ladies in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Why would a married Nyarko with 25 years of High School teaching experience harass on 15 girls at the height of his career?

What is most ignoble is that a released Sir Ike encumbered with moral turpitude, far away at Kraboa Coaltar High School would be the one to get the students' statements for Captain Smart. There are audios where Sir Ike hoodwinked a student with clandestine glee into believing that the headmaster was even flirting with a female teacher at his office.

These are all catalogs of falsehood and packed with lies to sink the image of Nyarko into oblivion. We can conceive of a future without high-rises. But humanity without music and love is not just inconceivable; it is impossible. -- George Leonard.

Dear Minister for Education, instruct G.ES. to reinstate the interdicted Benkum headmaster immediately. He was framed. I Shall return.