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Opinions of Saturday, 21 November 2015

Columnist: Abu Musa Kwankwaso

Letter to Obaapanyin Konadu A. Rawlings. What else?

Dear former first lady,

I hope you are fine, as is/are Chairman Jerry John, Klottey Korley MP aspirant Dr. Ezenator and her siblings.

It's heart-warming indeed as much as it's admirable to see your frontline involvement in partisan politics. I'm sure the reasons you couldn't jump in quickly just as Flt. Lt. Rawlings exited is a topic for another day.

Having said that, I seek to know genuinely if the defunct (or is it not?) 31st December Women Movement (31st DWM) is still in the women empowerment jigijigi. In any case y3 tii monka aky3 (it's been a long time since we heard from you.

With pleasantries outta (out of) the way, I seek no brawl (how dare me) but I would be as blunt and brutally frank as I can with your political polemics in the far and recent past.

My posturing is motivated by your humble self. Yes; you madam. I listened to your interview on Joy fm weeks back and (mine o mine) I was struck by your views on open mindedness since childhood through to your marital enclave. Very well and good.

The following are my thoughts (I’d be as brief as possible) and please find a place in your heart to forgive my any trespasses in this letter. Me sr3-wo bone faky3.

You seem overly bitter about the ruling party - which you willingly left - and I contend that if you had the deciding vote ever between John Mahama and even Akua Donkorhave become ‘acidic’ and ‘poisonous’ in your view. (But do I care?) Your latest r; I am certain beyond doubts where your vote will fall. It is clear that the NDC ant on the party was about how you have deleted ‘them’ from your memory bla bla bla, again; all well and good. Your opposition jabs and vibes are interestingly very well directed and I and like-minded ones wish to encourage you to do more.

My wish really would have been that you had ‘formatted’ your memory, which would be a TOTAL or better still full dislodgement of the party you once wanted to lead into a major election

About that episode (FONKAR – GAME) charley! Madam, you floored and flopped big time, I swear! But you did you not know that they were going to ‘muscle’ you out? Habba Obaahemaa! The signs were so clear, in the end how much did you get? 2% if I’m correct. It happens though.

Clearly madam, some of us are tired of your bitterly acidic hatred for the NDC, even though I am nowhere near that party, it is sad that you are increasingly sounding like a broken record on lambasting the government and its assigns. Everything about the party is BAD (yeah, you are right) everything about its leader and Ghana’s president is WRONG (of course, na opposition duties be that) and finally, any other person is better placed to rule except the ruling party.

Chairman Rawlings has managed to maintain a certain measure of relevance in the general scheme of events, he is prominent at both party and national levels for strategic reasons which reasons you blew for going into a no-contest as earlier alluded to.

Who am I to say you shouldn’t talk, please do wae, but remember each time you talk and make glaringly slanted and hatred tainted pronouncements we tick a box in our memories that reads ‘As Usual.’

Your political days are waning or have they waned? It’s Ezenator’s time to position the Rawlingses on another pedestal, that kwraa, I hear say you no go campaign give am, what? Woy3 din wati?

Anyway, I would leave it here and hope that sooner or later your NDP will step up and present the right documents to Afari Gyan’s successor (she's called Charlotte). You know as much as I do that even if you make it onto the ballot paper next year, 3nko si aga.

I wish you well her Excellency Obaa Panyin Konadu Agyemang Rawlings, till then; adieu. And oh.... please say a prayer for Ezanetor. Mom's prayers are very powerful ooo. Adieu again Madam

Very sincerely yours
