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Opinions of Thursday, 12 March 2015

Columnist: Shaban, Abdur Rahman Alfa

Letter to Pope Francis: Ghanaian Bishops and Hijab 'F'Rights

St. Peters Basilica
Vatican City,
Rome, Italy

Bless Thee O Pope Francis,

I can imagine you stand outside of your window in epic display of your selfless leadership. Hands spread out as if to touch the hundreds of thousands of faithful who gather in the St. Peters Basilica to be blessed weekly.

But how can I proceed without seeking to know how Pope Benedict XVI (Yusef Ratzinger) is doing back at Castel Gandulfo. Kind hearted as I know you to be; kindly extend my warmest regards when you meet him.

How is church administration? My view matters not but it is that; your seemingly liberal conservative combination of leadership is ruffling feathers in the establishment but I trust that you will do well.

Having said that, may I very respectfully add to your issues for consideration, on goings in sub Saharan African country of Ghana. I am proud to say; it's the birth land of Cardinal Peter Appiah Turkson. Fine gentleman insha Allah, your successor.

If you don't mind me asking; how was your inter religious trip round the world? I must admit that you are fast becoming a globe trotter, from Jerusalem (Middle East) through to Ankara (mainland Europe) to Manila (South America) etc.

Tell me the Jewish Rabbis, the Sheikhs and Imams and the Hindu gurus amongst others are all well and that you promise to visit them at other times to strengthen the bond that binds you and them, (Religion) is it?

Back to Ghana; your very respected bishops here in Ghana, where the Church has built lots of schools especially at the Senior High School (i.e. the pre University level) are asking heads of such schools to disregard a government directive. Yes.

The directive is that Muslim girls in these schools be allowed to wear their veils to school, a constitutional right that has not been practiced since these schools were established.

"We just want to dress like the blessed amongst women, Mother Mary. And to get whatever benefits health wise, socially and spiritually that nuns derive from covering their hair," these are the words of one Muslim girl certainly not mine.

Pope, as leader of the bishops I am clear what you would have decided to pertain had you been invited into the matter, (at least on the score your wide engagements with other faiths).

I beg to ask, that in all your life as Cardinal Mario Bargoglio and before the black smoke turned white in your favor in the conclave, did you or would you have asked (forced) an adherent of another faith to worship in the church because he came in pursuit of secular education at your end?

I know you know this, the bold and bluff bishop would have none of it. That these catholic build and run schools are under state subvention. Seriously; your bishops here are very bold. There are a few people they fear and thou art one such I believe. I am not reporting them to you at all; why would I?

I wouldn't furnish you with a copy of the bishop's fatwa (legal ruling on hijab) just to tell you to pray that the heat in their hearts is extinguished. All I am saying is, as the boss of the sign of the cross. I am counting on the fondness of your libertarian stance on issues to mend what shouldn't have been at all.

But rest easy and focus on the finances and scandals within the system. We will be fine Pope. Ghana is like that! Chooboi (mass action) protests and all but still we remain. My greetings to the next batch of pilgrims to St. Peters.

Sorry, I may never make it there in the capacity of a pilgrim but never mind; I will gladly be your correspondent from Ka'bah in Saudi Arabia – the power house and center of Muslim worship during hajj.

Blessed art thou indeed Pope Francis.

Abdur Rahman Alfa Shaban
[email protected]/[email protected]
