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Opinions of Sunday, 24 July 2022

Columnist: Abdul-Karim Mohammed Awaf

Letter to Prof. John Evans Attah Mills

Former president John Evans Atta Mills Former president John Evans Atta Mills

Dear Professor Mills,

It has been exactly a decade since you left us to join your maker. Words, they say, are not enough to describe the void you left in our hearts.

Even though the pain of your passing is still fresh in our hearts, we are thankful to God for gifting you to us for the period you lived on earth.

Unlike others, you did not WILL Ghana's richness to your family when you controlled Ghana's purse. That is why your passing left behind a trail of surprise and genuine hope that it's possible for one to be a politician without being corrupt.

What has changed since your departure, of course, so dramatically, decisively, is the fierce precision with which your successors loot from the national kitty with reckless abandon.

The economy you left behind with economic growth of 14 percent (the highest in our nation's history) in 2011 is crumbling on its knees, completely fractured beyond the surgical abilities of the WaleWale Adam Smith and his cohorts in government.

Ghanaians have realized, rather too late that, the promised economic Messiah is nothing but the proverbial caged parrot - boasting, blathering, and blaming everyone but himself.

The level of economic decay and hopelessness Ghanaians have been plunged into is beyond my skill to capture.

Despite these gloomy affairs, we refuse to break under the heavy load of our economic misery, the example you left behind continues to spark that flame of HOPE and a deep sense of pride that one day we'll have another leader who encompasses your graceful empathy and love for humanity.

May you continue to rest in peace Asomdwehene!