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Opinions of Thursday, 29 December 2016

Columnist: Kufuor, Adomako

Letter to the president of Russia

29th December 2016

Dear President Putin,
I want to praise you for your role in the Syrian issues especially the liberation of Aleppo. For the first time in four years, Christians in Aleppo celebrated Christmas and that was achieved through your tactful intervention in the Syria war. And also your firm stands against homosexuals which many leaders have bowed to shamefully. On the issue of Faith I am enthused by your firm stand to protect Christians in the world, with Syria being a typical example.

I have noticed that most of Russia’s foreign policy for Africa is largely concentrated in the Eastern, Southern and the Northern parts of the continent. West Africa hasn’t received much recognition from Russia especially my country, Ghana. We know very well your impact worldwide and the effect an alliance with your nation can do for us.

Due to Russia’s unbeatable record in Science, most West Africans especially Ghanaians are trooping into your country to further their studies in Medicine and Engineering and they come out really abreast with the practice.
Ghana has many resources like gold, crude oil, cocoa and many others that with the help of your expertise in resource development can help raise the level of my country as you have done for others.

Ghana is touted as one of the most peaceful countries on the continent which has held peaceful democratic elections without any war since 1992. Our issues are always settled peacefully by the law courts. It’s a great country to partner with.

Our sub-region has issues Russia can give a helping hand to, especially in the area of security. West Africa is plagued with terrorist attacks from a group called the BOKO HARAM and other terrorist groups attacking Mali, Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso. We pray that Russia intervenes to help find permanent solutions to these devastating issues.

Corruption in the sub-region is way higher than the news report. Our leaders are not doing any better to better the lives of the people. Youth and graduate unemployment are rampant in the sub-region especially in Ghana due to the mismanagement of the national cake and bad government policies. West Africa will need the keen eye of Russia to watch over our affairs in order for us to be directed to the right path.

I believe a positive response from you will bless our region with the wisdom and firmness of a great leader and thus a great nation to partner with. I am 29years old, and I have not heard a visit of the President of Russia Federation to my country, Ghana. Therefore, I also pray you pay Ghana a State visit.

Respectfully yours
Adomako Kufuor
[email protected]