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Opinions of Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Columnist: Fadi Dabbousi

Licking the wounds: A school of sheer orotundity & inanity

Ghana Institute of Social Democracy play videoGhana Institute of Social Democracy

It is usually praiseworthy of people to think of starting a school. In fact, education is key to development. Unfortunately, a few are rather cancerous to society. We all know that there are exceptions to every rule. Once, I asked a Nigerian friend of mine why it was that Nigerians were tagged with the 419 syndrome (fraud). He answered rather intriguingly. He submitted that there was a school in his country that taught the act of fraud and the devious manner of obtaining pin codes for stolen credit cards without having to put a gun to the victims’ heads. Verily, they had turned that it into an innovative trade of art.

So, it was not surprising to hear that the NDC was about starting such a school that its proponents had camouflaged with a fanciful term as “School of Ideology”. The most distressful part is that it was touted by their General Secretary as a free institution. When they were in government, they could not get themselves to accept free SHS yet their psychopath, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, managed to make an enticing call as free NDC education. Well, I take solace in the fact that even if the NDC freaks managed to attend the school, their blockheadedness would guarantee that they became more confused than they already are.

Besides, the woe is in the fact that the NDC is a bloodthirsty organism that had lived on the blood of Ghanaians for eons. It is a certain fact that they ate of the fruit of victimised Ghanaians. They became as a result of bloodshed! No matter how they told their tale, nothing would justify the murder of innocent people because they possessed more than GHs50,000 or because they sold goods at prices that soldiers deemed high. Nothing can justify the murder of Supreme Court judges because a ruling didn’t favour a particular side. Nothing can justify the massacre of people on tribal basis by a bunch of ignorant, stuck up, militant zombies, high on Marijuana and other substances wielding bottles of whisky that they gulped down in gobbles. The alcohol booties were actually collections from the houses of the affluent. Is it a crime to be rich? Yet some of these surviving bloodsuckers are now filthy rich trying to cover their shame with a sham democracy that they had desecrated all along in their lifeless rule of this country over 27 years.

It is harrowing though that they want to set up this school of NDC ideology. What is Anita De Soso going to teach the illiterate students: how to use dwarves and witches to steal money from the Bank of Ghana? What is Asiedu Nketia going to teach the ignoramuses: how to behave at Pantang or Asylum? What is Kokoon Anyidoho going to teach the foolish: how to be haughty and empty? What is Kofi Adams going to teach the choboi foot soldiers: how to be a thief? What is Brogya Gyenfi going to teach criminals: how to be chaotic nation wreckers? What is Okudzeto Ablakwa going to teach the toothless: how to be terrorists? What is Mahama Ayariga going to teach the zombies: how to plot evil and lie through the teeth?

What is John Dramani Mahama going to teach the lewd non-entities: how to be “create, loot, and share” pioneers, and sex therapists?

It is my humble submission that the President sets up the office of the special prosecutor soonest to try all these treasonous characters to jail those that have to be, and hang those that deserve the highest order of punishment. They have done Ghana so much unforgivable wrong over a full generation of approximately 30 years. They cannot be forgiven! They should not be forgiven!

The worst thing that can happen to Ghana is the treasonable act of setting up an extremist ideological school by the NDC of bloody history to indoctrinate its unfashionable members in the crime of massacring Ghanaians and repeating their demonic history. After all, Kwame Nkrumah set one up that churned out indoctrinated youth, some of whom saw the truth and extricated themselves from the blasphemy of the intent. The course was for two weeks only, but the level of brain damage it caused was massive. What then would happen to Ghana if such a school of indoctrination was set up by a murderous entity like the NDC?

Ghanaians, please, this is a wakeup call to protest against the imminent collapse of sanity.

#BanTheNDCSchool #StopTheCriminalNDCIndoctrination #SaveGhanaNow

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