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Opinions of Monday, 28 March 2022

Columnist: Ahanta Apemenyimheneba Kwofie III

MPADAHILE - Ahanta's day of atonement, spiritual consecration

Mpadahile is to be performed on the first Adumfida or Adumbolo of the 5th month on Ahanta Calendar Mpadahile is to be performed on the first Adumfida or Adumbolo of the 5th month on Ahanta Calendar

It's a day set aside to purify the Ahanta state and to ensure that the state is spiritually protected and fortified against unforeseen calamities like sicknesses, incurable diseases, and unexplained deaths.

It is a day that they go to their respective shrines to confess their sins and crimes and then perform needed rituals to cleanse themselves spiritually. They then seek

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