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Opinions of Monday, 8 April 2013

Columnist: Stonash, Amponsah

Mahama Is Resorting To “Political Solutions”

Election Petition: John Mahama Is Resorting To “Political Solutions”

By: Amponsah Stonash

The “battle” lingers on! The quantum of evidence gathered by the petitioners to challenge the results of the 2012 elections declared by Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Djan, the EC boss, is so solid enough to surely cause political upheaval in the not too distant future.

The preliminaries of the court proceedings have really rocked some nerves in the NDC, especially when the EC – as directed by the court – could not furnished the petitioners with “further and better particulars” to account for the 241,000 votes which it said to have recorded from the diaspora. And also, the throwing away by the Supreme Court, the senseless proposal by the respondents (John Mahama, NDC) to call over 8,000 witnesses to the case. These occurrences are indeed a source of worry to the respondents.

John Mahama and the NDC know that they will not live to survive the impending political “Armageddon."

I am authoritatively informed that, a leading member of NDC’s legal team, Tsatsu Tsikata, has unequivocally made it clear to the NDC that, they (NDC) have a “bad case” as far as the election petition in the Supreme Court is concerned, so the earlier they resort to “political solutions," the better!

Now, these cesspool of “political solutions” are reeling its ugly head.

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the economic erudite, and the 2012 vice presidential candidate of the NPP, and who has been one of the key leading crusaders in the gathering of the petitioners’ evidence, and in furtherance, making presentations to some key personalities and organizations – to highlight the content of the evidence – suddenly got into a near-fatal accident.

This accident was caused by the bursting of the back tires of his vehicle. Divergent views have been expressed about the possible cause of the accident, but to me, that was no “natural” accident. It was part of the NDC’s “political solutions” agenda as proposed by Tsatsu Tsikata to ensure their party’s continuous stay in power in the face of the election petition. “Eliminating” Dr. Bawumia would have been a big blow for the NPP to have dealt with than to vigorously pursue the court case. Failure to have observed the former would have amounted to insensitivity and public opprobrium. This was the gameplan of John Mahaha and the NDC to frustrate the court processes with such diabolic antics. This vile plan is very complex – and one has to look beyond the ordinary to understand the intricacies.

It is imperative to note that, prosecuting such an agenda is no strange business to the NDC political party.

In March 1990, we all witnessed the mysterious motor accident that caused the life of Evangelist Amoako on the Accra-Takoradi road, after the evangelist has lashed at the military government during the reign of the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC), and had also preached against the executions in 1979 - arguing that such action "would attract the wrath of God." He also spoke against the unrighteous conduct in the country in the wake of the 1981 coup by the P-NDC.

Well, according to the account given by the late Amoako’s brother, Eric Gyimah, at the National Reconciliation Commission (NRC) in October, 2003, the National Security, then under the notorious vampire, Kojo Tsikata, wanted to eliminate his brother. And you think that the military vehicle that crashed the late Evangelist Amoako’s vehicle to cause the accident was a mistake or coincidence? Wake up, Ghana-man, wake up! These old vampires (Kojo Tsikata and his bunch of professional assassins) who were in charge of National Security when Evangelist Amoako’s death was executed are now the security advisors to John Mahama. To them, plotting a car accident is as easy as a pie.

Then again, these new “political solutions” of John Mahama and the NDC have also been made known to the public through a threatening call to Kwesi Pratt after he went gaga on the John Mahama’s government. As reported on (March 23, 2013), he receives call from an unknown male voice threatening to get rid of him if he continues to attack the government. “Gone are the days when you are sent to jail to serve a sentence. This time round, it is either we poison your water or plot a car accident for you,” the caller threatened.

Now, it is clear that the old reckless, diabolic and blood sucking political chess game of arrest, detention, and execution by the P-NDC is outmoded and gone, and has given way to the new “political solutions” such as “plotting car accidents” for political opponents.

On these grounds, Dr. Bawumia’s near-fatal accident cannot be said to have occurred “naturally," but indeed, a calculated one by his political opponents, John Mahama and the NDC.

In another breath, a suit has also been filed against Nana Akufo-Addo by a tribal jingoist and fanatic of the NDC to ascertain whether or not Nana Akufo-Addo is a lawyer. Among the declarations that the suit seeks is for the Law firm established by Nana Akufo-Addo, namely, Akufo-Addo, Prempeh and Co. at 67 Kojo Thompson Road, Adabraka, Accra, to be considered as an illegal Law firm, and thus not competent to represent any party in litigation before any court in Ghana. Just so you know, this is also the very same law firm representing the petitioners in the Supreme Court. This is a clear attempt to “technically” frustrate the law firm, lawyers of the petitioners, and of course the courts processes. But why would the John Mahama and the NDC do that through their surrogate Kpegah? What have they got to fear? Why are they now resorting to “political solutions” than allowing the court to work? Things are really knocking things.

Some weeks ago, we also heard that the IT department of the Electoral Commission, where the figures where collated, nearly went into flames. Reason for the near fire outbreak was tailored to a faulty air-conditioner in the IT room. This is not smart enough! Why the IT room? It is evidently clear, that the near fire outbreak was part of the “political solutions” to the case at the Supreme Court. It was intended to damage materials from the 2012 elections. But, thank God that did not happen.

In the days ahead, many funny, but reckless and evil actions from certain persons will be occurring. The ulterior and ultimate motive of these actions – as needless and senseless as they may be – will be to cause disaffection for the petitioners, and calculatedly frustrate their case at the Supreme Court. But, worry not. For these “political solutions” proposed by Tsatsu Tsikata and being rolled out by John Mahama and the NDC will not thrive.

Good and truth will triumph over evil and lies!

Amponsah Stonash, New York. [email protected]