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Opinions of Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Mahama, Like an Old Dog, Can Never Change. Period!

Much as an old dog cannot learn new tricks, so can John Dramani Mahama not stop his corrupt practices? He is so inhered in corruption that everywhere he goes or any move he makes smells of corruption. He always leaves a trail of smell of corruption behind him in all his deeds. ? Have you heard how old dogs are never able to learn or adjust properly to new tricks, so is John Drama Mahama, the alias "Ede bii keke" President of the Republic of Ghana. Ghana is engulfed in never-seen or say it unprecedented gargantuan if you like, corruption, under the administration of John Mahama. ? Almost everybody in Ghana is decrying the scale of the ongoing destructive official corruption in Ghana except of course, those senseless diehards in the NDC party and government that are not. They are always supportive of all the corrupt-inclined policies put in place by the clueless Mahama because they always stand to benefit handsomely from them anyway. When he went to Brazil to purchase Embraer aircrafts for the Ghana Air force, Mahama left a trail of corruption behind him. When he went to Korea to arrange for STX Korea to proceed to Ghana to build us the thousands of affordable phantom houses, he did not only leave same trail of smell of corruption but also, caused financial loss to the State of Ghana. Ghana offering sovereign guarantee to STX Korea, and ending up paying them millions of US dollars for not a single house built? That is John Mahama for you. ? When appointing Government Ministers, Mahama is not only corrupt but myopically dangerously tribalistic. He feels safer and hopes to allow his tribal descent to overtake the popular, dynamic and ingenious majority tribe in all spheres of socio-economic development. If it was not so, would he appoint and continue to fill all top-notch government and civil service positions with mostly Northerners and a few Ewes? ? Mahama is corrupt when it comes to grafting, offering government jobs and positions through nepotism etc. Can he ever change when he has allowed resolute determination to forcefully extricate himself and his tribe from perceived inferiority complex cloud his intelligence? He feels his tribe(s) will be popular when he has cleverly been able to subjugate the majority tribe through what he has so far done and continue to do. ? He does not care about merit when offering people positions, but which tribe you belong to as described above. This is why we have only incompetent senseless youths in government as we speak. All that these "young and old evil dwarfs, babies with sharp teeth, greedy bastards, monsters and political party sycophants" are capable of, square pegs in round holes as they are, is to embezzle public funds. ? By the way, how many of them have made US$1 Million, less or more, as intended by Victoria Hammah? A bunch of thieves with Mahama as their head! Can Mahama, as engulfed in corruption as he is, be able to rid Ghana of corruption as hoped for by those asking him to? I do not think so even though I am not a pessimist. I know he has been in the trade for far too long, indeed an old dog learning new tricks, to change. It is impossible for him, human as he is, with infatuation for corruption and insatiable greediness. ? HATE ME FOR MY FRANKNESS AND BOLDNESS IF YOU WANT, BUT IT MUST BE FOR A GOOD REASON. ? Rockson Adofo