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Opinions of Monday, 8 January 2024

Columnist: Anthony Obeng Afrane

Mahama is a personification of courageousness

Former president, John Dramani Mahama Former president, John Dramani Mahama

Courage they say is the noblest of the virtues because it is the one that validates all the others, and the one that is most often gravely missing.

Leaders who have courage are those who dare to lead by example, who can make difficult decisions and act accordingly, even when the outcome is not certain.

President Mahama has the gravitas of a world-class leader whose political mettle, experience, and courage are matchless.

I was amazed by his bravery regarding his speech on gay rights at the Scottish Parliament when he was the President of Ghana some years ago.

While some people are trying to skirt around the issue of LGBTQ in Ghana, he has never minced words.

Hear him: "My country is a circular one, made up of Christians, Muslims, and traditional believers. None of these sects accept gayism and lesbianism. As a leader, once the people I rule abhor these things, I cannot accept these cultures on the grounds of human rights. Despite our challenges, our nation stands paramount against any other foreign interest."

Isn't this awesomely awesome? President John Dramani Mahama is a very honest and trustworthy leader who does not like shifting blame but always wants to take responsibility for issues to fix them.

I have always been seized by a fit of yearning for him to become president again. Posterity is still judging and will continue to judge him because Ghanaians have carried water and alcohol and are now in a position to tell which is weightier. The verdict will certainly be evident on December 7.