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Opinions of Saturday, 16 July 2016

Columnist: Uzeiru, Kasimu

Mahama is fighting a lost battle

President John MahamaPresident John Mahama

Nalerigu/Gambaga constituency is the nucleus of Mamprugu with a population of 20,000 inhabitants with multi lingual and a well faceted crafty people cohabiting with a blended cultures and peace loving.

We live Democratically with each individual freely practicing his/her political ideology just we freely practice our religious ideologies.However a glaring deceit popped out during a visit by first gentleman of the land President John Dramani Mahama (JDM), his ministers, party elders and faithfuls to Nayiri and the constituency disconnected our souls and body and left us in pieces when he successfully failed the good people of this constituency once again.

He demonstrated it in his wabbled and skeletal speech he gave.

Any sound minded person who were at scene would have wondered whether His Excellency JDM did not know his setting, hence his diction.

Technically he didn't have anything to say and decided to buy time and play with words by sway to tell us he mischievously cut -sod for construction Bolga -Bawku road, Sawla - Fufulsi road,Nadoli road and things which are irrelevant to us as far as the Nayiri and mamprugu are concern.

Up-grading of Tamale teaching hospital and cutting-sod Bolga hospital phase 2 was just diversion of attention if not wasting people precious time.

What has upgrading of Tamale polytechnic to a technical university and cutting -sod for construction and refurbishing of Dabori -Kpaa technical school in Tamale got to with us when we have Nalerigu youth leadership training institute which was established under NPP is currently almost in dying stage.

The most projects dear to students heart are the two dining halls in Nass and Gagish, which have been abandoned completely, If JDM was really working for the people,changing lives,accounting to the people in his so called deceitful better Ghana agenda,the he should have commissioned or cut-sod for the following projects if really such projects exist:

1.Dining hall of Nalerigu Senior High School(abandoned)

2.Dining hall of Gambaga Girls Senior High School(abandoned)

3.Langbinsi community SHS.(promised but non existing)

4.cut sod for construction water projects at Gambaga and Gbintiri since water is life and water is their basic or fundamental need.(promised but non existing)

5.Refurbished the youth leadership training institute in Nalerigu.(Not considered)

6. Tarred the Nalerigu town roads and that of Nahats.(Not considered)

7.Completed and commissioned The Gambaga -walewale road(Delayed)

8.The ICT centres in Gambaga and Nalerigu should have been well refurbished and working.(abandoned)

9.Provided a good but safe drinking water for Sakogu, Naminbowku,,Ticherigi taba, Yapala ,Dindani etc(Not considered)

10.Fix the deplorable and in motorable roads linking Nalerigu to Gbintiri through Nagboo.(Not considered)

11.provide tractors,farm implements and inputs to farmers this season for ploughing at affordable rates.(Not considered)

12.These among others could have gladden the heart of the good people of this constituency and Mamprugu at large.

Without any of these above enumerated projects or initiatives the visit of the president JDM is needless,it had rather exposed him to every Tom, Dick,and Harry, that he successfully fail us in this constituency and has proved it in his corrosive speech delivered us this hot afternoon.

The general masses;women,aged, Youth, as well as discerning students had been disappointed.Hope of JDM and the NDC turned to hopeless, future to futureless and doom await them as we drag our feet slowly towards Nov 7,2016 to endorse NPP under Nana Ado as President,with Dr Mahamudu Bawumia as vice President and Hon Hajia Alima Mahama MP,to restore the loss hope and future of Ghana by restoring the broken economy, and also securing the future of Mamprugu.

Long live Ghana,long live NPP, long live Mamprugu,long live all patriots of Mamprugu.