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Opinions of Friday, 26 January 2018

Columnist: Kingsley Akwaa

Mahama is like the unrepentant serpent, he cannot be trusted

Former President John Dramani Mahama Former President John Dramani Mahama

Refugees are people fleeing conflict and persecution, their life and freedom are mostly under risk, and so under the international laws (UN and AU conventions, and Protocols) relating to the status of Refugees, they need to be protected, and never to be expelled to where they have their life at risk.

With an analysis with the above, the two former Guantanamo Bay detainees whom are both from Yemen fall under the refugee status category, so it will be wrong, and also tantamount to a breach of international laws and protocols on the part of Ghana to repatriate them, unless on grounds which takes away their status as refugees or when they make themselves a threat to the country that has conferred on them their refugee status.

Furthermore, it is injurious on the intelligence of Ghanaians, and also morally wrong and hypocritical on the part of His Excellency John Dramani Mahama to have allowed his right-hand men like Hon. Okudjeto Ablakwa and the other members of his camp to intentionally misinform the public about the status of the Ex-Guantanamo detainees and also attempt setting the citizens of Ghana against the H.E Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo led NPP government with regards to their return, while he knew the government under his rule had conferred on these Ex-detainees' the refugee status on 21st July, 2016.

Moreover, it goes on to prove that, H.E John Mahama after his deceit of Ghanaians under his tenure which led to his removal from office is still not remorseful, and as a result, just like the biblical unrepentant serpent, he cannot be trusted, so Ghanaians should not attempt a consideration of him for another term in office as the President of Ghana.