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Opinions of Saturday, 16 May 2020

Columnist: Action Movement

Mahama must speak on the Airbus corruption scandal

John Dramani Mahama, former president of Ghana John Dramani Mahama, former president of Ghana

At the risk of not allowing our voices to be stifled by those who wish we were never born to take position on issues that speak to the afflictions of our dearest party, the NDC Action Movement is by this statement registering our indignation over Mahama's deafening silence on the Airbus SE corruption.

As public records shows, Airbus SE has agreed to pay nearly $4 billion to resolve foreign bribery and other charges with authorities in the United States, Britain, and France.

The European aircraft manufacturer is alleged to have paid bribes in Ghana when it sold the three-military aircraft to the country.

The company admitted hiring the brother of a top elected Ghanaian official as its consultant in the sale of the aircraft. Also, Airbus confessed paying the said consultant through a third party when its Compliance Unit raised red flags about the close relationship between the consultant and the top elected official who was a key decision-maker in the purchase of the military aircraft.

We are very much aware that our investigative authorities are looking into the matter. We are also aware that our flagbearer- John Mahama and his brother- Samuel Mahama's names have come up in this Airbus corruption scandal.

It, therefore, came as no surprise as woke up on Thursday morning to Mahama's image being splashed all over the front pages of the British press with the claim that he runs a corrupt network.

The Presidential Candidate of the NDC for the 2020 elections is not only accused of being corrupt but being accused of having links to a corrupt network by the biggest newspaper in the UK.

The Action Movement is of the view that these are serious allegations - such serious allegations definitely has a far reaching implications for our flagbearer, the NDC and our electoral fortunes.

Airbus has admitted wrong doing, and accepted to pay 3 billion pounds sterling for their bad behavior in exchange for the case to be settled. Nobody pays fines to the tune of 3 billion for simple allegations.

We cannot be blinded not to see how bad an image this canker of a Mahama gives the NDC. The party ought to get Mahama to clean this mess up.

The NDC stands for something bigger than any individual. Our political ideology means something. It offers hope. Our core must reflect the hope with purpose.

While we are vehemently opposed to the idea of the NDC attempting to gamble away its electoral chances, we must not allow Mahama's liability as our candidate and any corruption baggage to disintegrate our party.

NDC must redeem itself and position the party for its true purpose of winning elections. We can’t advance with this disgraceful act as our candidate and ask Ghanaians to vote for him.

We are capable of organizing a stronger party for victory, and evolving a better and more hopeful government.

Our interest should be NDC and not Mahama.


James Agbey (Leader of the Action Movement)