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Opinions of Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Columnist: Owusu-Nkwantabisa, Nana

Mahama’s First Coup d’etat

It looks like John Mahama has lived up to the title of his book. The NPP asserts that it has evidence that the numbers from the polling stations had been altered during collation. The same EC and the President who requested that voting must be extended to cater for all including those who could not verify their registration, could not wait to verify the claims of the opposition but eagerly announced the questionable results. The NPP has been the main champion of democracy in Ghana. Its fight over the next four years must be to ensure that we have a truly impartial EC. The NPP cannot fight the NDC and the EC at the same time as it has been doing all these years. It is tough to win when the referee is in favor of the opponent.

Nana Owusu-Nkwantabisa