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Opinions of Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Columnist: Amponsah, Jerry

Mahama’s Flatfooted Attitude on Prince Of Terrorism

President John Mahama’s Flatfooted Attitude on Prince Of Terrorism: Yaw Boateng Gyan

Horror. Monstrous. Ruthless. Warlord.

Ghana’s President John Dramani Mahama, who is widely expected to literally come out
and condemn, in strong terms, the tape recording of Yaw Boateng Gyan’s senseless
incendiary, has downplayed and largely distanced himself. It is disgrace and lack of
commitment on the part of the national leader, who recently promised to ensure peace
and violent-free elections, to duck a striking signal emanating from his camp. And
this is a litmus test. The President must take responsibility for words that come
from his mouth. As a leader your word is everything. The absolute silence of the
president indicates that he is okay with it.
Perhaps the route of power, in accordance and agreement with their own minds, is
violence and bloodshed. And this is exactly what terror Yaw Boateng Gyan and his
political party cohorts – who’ve chosen to desecrate our mighty infant and globally
cherished democracy – have planned during the day of elections: released their full
force of wrath on their enemies. To them, victory comes with a price: bloodshed.
President John Mahama has been quick to stamp on the recent unhealthy encounter
between the high ranking officials of his political party and the Public Relations
Officer of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana: offering fervent public apology to the
Moderator, Rev Martey.
Now, fire has seized. Right at the doorstep of President Mahama is his party’s
National Organizer’s plan of skullduggery, cruelty, and inhumanity. But the
President has been flatfooted over this heinous, genocidal, frightening development.

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) political party’s National Organizer, Mr. Yaw
Boateng Gyan was "caught on a leaked tape promising to help party foot soldiers to
infiltrate the country’s security agencies specifically, the Special Forces to help
the party’s agenda in the upcoming elections." In the mysterious tape, he mentioned
Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Dr. Kwabena Dufour, as his bankroller.
And he has publicly claimed that the voice on the said tape recording is his.
The ruling NDC party, through tenacious Yaw Boateng Gyan, has gained the reputation
of slayer of men – in his profound bid to vanquish the other political divide dubbed
enemies as their finest achievement. In the chilling tape recording, the monstrous
and evil politico, Gyan, will build and armed his trained gangbangers to teeth with
huge arsenal of weapons – with the aid of the newly formed “Special Force.”
This is part and parcel of their laundry pile of dirty strategies and tactics to
forcibly steal the mandate of the people.
For how long will the commander-in-chief keep dragging his feet over the infamous
tape recording of his party’s National Organizer – that has grabbed – and dabbled –
major media headlines? Justice delayed is justice denied.
Such senseless incendiary could easily swell violence in the peaceful country.
Yaw Boateng Gyan has introduced "great" innovative tactics and military manoeuvers
to his gangbangers. He based his key strategy on the (Asiatic principle) concept of
retreat: "yield when one’s opponent is strong, but go on the offensive at the first
sign of weakness." And they’re anticipating many slowness, loopholes, and weakness
in the upcoming general elections.
The turbulent and terrifying moment the NDC, through its National Organizer, is
pushing the country into largely demonstrates how ruthless they’ve become, how
contemptuous they could be of human life, and how indifferent they are towards law
and order.
Make no mistake, evidently showing their tenacious grip on electoral violence, this
latest development is well coordinated move that undoubtedly has a link with the
NDC‘s fully-determined killing machine: "Heroes Funds." This is being aimed to
recruit and instigate hooligans, radical force, and gangbangers to cause electoral
confusions and mayhem. And time is fully ripe to manifest such evil cause:
conspiracy of fools. And that is the absolute bait to seduce the jobless and
helpless youths to put their precious lives on the line for the inward-looking and
selfish leaders who’ve given their children the best education abroad, ever.
Twisted group driven by hatred and malice; as the originators of terrorism, they’ve
preconceived major casualties, so the "Heroes Fund" is to assist the hoodlums who
will suffer serious misfortunes and incapacitation as a result onslaughts on their
opponents, according to the idea behind its creation.
The organization also seeks to rehabilitate and re-establish beneficiaries of the
bloodshed – who are considered to be the "Real Heroes" – for pillaging ballot boxes
in the sizzling weather. And this is the evil the abled men have planned doing.
Their insatiable lust for political power suggests their unwillingness to accept
defeat – should they lose the elections. And it’s quite certain.
After a good period of bad government; battling with the truth; the curtain is
falling on them; feeling hemmed, the NDC party has turned its attention on ballot
boxes. The incumbent NDC is paranoid, and they sense the sweeping change of
government – come December 7th
Now, Yaw Boateng Gyan is reportedly on the run leaving the integrity of the BNI
hanging in balance. Is the government today serving the interest of a particular
political party – or the interest of nation?
Anyway, before you declare violence (on December 7th), think yourself as a corpse!

Jerry Amponsah (Sabbato)
Communications Directorate
NPP-New York