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Opinions of Friday, 11 December 2015

Columnist: Agyemang, Katakyie Kwame Opoku

Mahama's Major Problem - Either he Fails to Think or Thinks to Fail

The assertion that John Dramani Mahama, together with his NDC is incompetent cannot be far from the truth, judging from their own record of achievement in government. Aside the failure to deliver the "Better Ghana" agenda, which has been metamorphosed into "Changing Lives; Transforming Ghana", John Mahama, for me, is gradually making a mockery of God's special gift to mankind, that is, the gift of wisdom which separates human beings from animals and other inanimate objects. The least said about John Mahama's academic knowledge, the better, because if his sense of judgement, vision, and policies were to be assessed based on the kind of knowledge he received at school, then we cannot wait as a nation to conclude that our educational system needs a complete overhaul.

To say that John Mahama has been a disappointment would be a very gross understatement; and I must say I pity all those who sold their conscience to see him at the presidency. Putting the late Prof. Mills' view on academic knowledge into context, let me hasten to state that John Mahama's academic knowledge has not been beneficial to mankind, especially the poor and vulnerable in the society. To Mills, any academic knowledge would come to naught if the person who acquired it cannot use the said knowledge to improve people's lives. But has John Mahama been able to maximise all the opportunities that became available to him? Did those opportunities prepare him adequately for this job? It is not surprising that Dr. Sekou Nkrumah, a former member of the NDC suggested two jobs for the successive leaders of the NDC - Mills as a classroom teacher and Mahama as a Cattle rancher.

It is often said that difficult situations inspire ingenious solutions, hence the proverb; "Necessity is the mother of invention". Could it be that John Mahama was over-pampered from his infancy, hence his inability to make use of his brains in problem solving? Could it be that he never encountered any serious problem that demanded independent solution from him as a child? Having attended every school on grantis throughout his life by virtue of his geographical birthplace, John Mahama is on record to have been the luckiest Vice President ever. To him, he has only himself to beat when it comes to absolute opportunities in governance. He has had access to all our revenues - taxes, loans, and exports, including oil. So why should John Mahama's failure be so unparalleled in the face of relative peace and tranquility in this beloved country of ours? Your guess is as good as mine.

Over 58 years ago some of our compatriots laid their lives for us to live a better life. Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, for instance, was kind enough to build the Tema Oil Refinery (TOR) and the Akosombo Hydro-electric power for us. He envisaged that Ghana could strike oil sooner than later hence the need for the refinery. Also realising the increasing demand in electricity and gas and the need to maximise TOR as a national asset, His Excellency, John Agyekum Kufuor's administration discovered oil for mother Ghana and built the $622m Bui Dam. What was left for the NDC administration led by John Mahama was to refine the crude oil in Tema and also to distribute the electricity to all parts of the country - a country whose land size is just about one-fifth of Nigeria.This, I believe was the simplest of all the tasks afore-mentioned. But what is the current situation?John Mahama's NDC cannot even give Ghanaians 12 hours of continuous electricity, though the Akosombo Dam is full of water. Neither could they give the 25m people common portable water to drink though a whole Ministry is in charge of Water Resources. Whilst John Mahama sleeps in an air-conditioned Presidential Palace with 24/7 electricity supply, the houses and businesses of 25m Ghanaians are engulfed with darkness. I would like to draw John Mahama's attention to the fact that, the presidency is not all about prestige; it goes with huge responsibility - a responsibility to manage our scarce resources to improve our living standards.

John, I know you have proven to be insensitive to the plight of the poor, courtesy, your "Yentie Obiara" song, but this is what the Bible says in James 4:17- "Enti de3 onim papa na woanny3 no, 3y3 bone ma no", to wit, whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. Prez Kufuor worked so hard to make our country a force to reckon with in the comity of nations, but now, Ghana is a subject of ridicule in the global eye. The myriad of failed promises, corrupt practices, dishonesty, inconsistencies, incompetence, emanating from John Mahama as an individual and the NDC as a whole, have fueled the perception that John Mahama is not a decisive leader.

In winding down, I call upon all those who mistakenly voted for John Mahama to kneel before their God and pray for forgiveness. By their action, they have contributed to the retrogressive direction of mother Ghana. Our country, which is 58 years old deserves better; Ghanaians deserve better. It is time to give way to the right leadership, and I'm confident Nana Akufo-Addo is ready to serve the interest of all Ghanaians.

God bless Ghana! God bless Nana Addo!! God bless Kufuor!!!

Katakyie Kwame Opoku Agyemang, Asante Bekwai-Asakyiri
([email protected])
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