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Opinions of Monday, 24 July 2023

Columnist: Anthony Obeng Afrane

Mahama's job creation strategy: Kumasi shoe factory story

Former President, John Dramani Mahama Former President, John Dramani Mahama

Youth unemployment is a national security problem since continuous unemployment amongst the youth could breed frustration and hopelessness with the potential of creating social vices such as drug addiction, robbery, prostitution, fraud, hooliganism, thuggery, etc.

It is for these reasons that President John Dramani Mahama resuscitated the Kumasi Shoe Factory in November 2012.

The factory was established in 1960 by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, the first president of the Republic, but collapsed in the late 1970s.

The shoe factory which has a capacity to produce 700,000 pairs of shoes annually and an employment capability of 10,000 employees, since its rejuvenation has been producing boots for the security services, shoes for school children, and other fashionable designs suitable for the country's shoe market and beyond.

The Kumasi Shoe Factory is just one of the few achievements of President John Mahama in his desire to create jobs for the teeming unemployed youth of Ghana.

He will create more jobs for the youth in his second term as president and that is why everybody must support him to build the nation we all want.