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Opinions of Thursday, 13 December 2012

Columnist: Akyena, Benjamin Brantuo

Mahama's victory will be senseless if.....

Dramani Mahama's victory will be senseless if.....

Whilst Ghanaians continue to
celebrate a successful and peaceful election, the NDC government must be
humbled by the reality that it owes its electoral victory to the sacrifices of
ordinary, homeless, hungry, and jobless Ghanaians who stood long hours in the
burning sunshine to cast their vote.

It is significant to note that
ordinary poor Ghanaians stood with the NDC in its crucial moment of depression,
especial when the party and government had its back against the wall, following
the Woyome scandal, Konadu's resignation and the formation of her NDP, death of
JEAM, no campaign/support from Former President Jerry John Rawlings, and having
to use only three months to campaign for re-election.

As the saying goes, every good turn
deserves the other. The least the NDC government can do is to also keep faith
with our poor folks by:

1. Giving them a government of
quality leadership, made of the best experienced professionals, with enormous
understanding of the reality of the Ghanaian economic, social, health and
educational crises and have solutions and timelines to address same.

It will be suicidal for the
government to reward party loyalists who lack the experience and competence
with political appointments, only to end up underperforming. This will not only
affect our chances in the next election, it will also be seen as unethical and
insensitivity to the plight of the ordinary Ghanaian.

2. Taking practical steps to
implement the fantastic ideas in the NDC manifesto such as:
• making basic education completely
free within the first four years of the government;
• building 10 new teacher training
• a university in the Eastern
• 200 new senior high schools;
• making sure that SHS education is
free by 2016.
The others include:
• creating jobs through GHc10
million Youth Jobs and Enterprise Fund;
• increase SADA support of small
holder farmers from 16,000 farmers to 40, 000 in four years;
• the Western Corridor Gas
• graduate Business support schemes;
• rehabilitation of the abandoned
Kumasi jute factory, Aboso Glass factory, implementation of plans for an
integrated Iron and steel industry at Oppong Manso; and
• achieving a full middle income
economy with positive micro economic indicators such as a single digit
inflation, strong currency and over 8% annual GDP growth.

It is unacceptable to measure the
maturity of Ghana's democracy, only by how peaceful the ordinary people cast
their votes and accept the outcome. A mature democracy must also be measured by
the commitment of political leaders to implement the flurry of ideas that
procured their electoral victory.

I supported JDM to become President
not only because I am a member of the NDC. However, it is my considered opinion
that out of all the candidates who put themselves up for this election, JDM had
the kind of leadership qualification, experience, personality traits,
understanding of the Ghanaian situation and the practical solutions to move the
country forward.

I supported him because I have no
reason to doubt his claims of caring for Ghana's poor and determination to
build a country and an economy where opportunities exist for all to succeed.

I voted for JDM because I believe he
is the only person at this moment who can unite a beautiful country which
unfortunately appears to be sharply divided along partisan lines.

These are the qualities I voted for
! And I know I speak for thousands of poor Ghanaians who equally voted for the

The wild celebrations of the
NDC' victory by ordinary Ghanaians and hardworking NDC cadres is understandable
. They have earned it. But the people of Ghana can only have true
celebration and bliss if their vote for JDM translates into economic
prosperity and development of our country.

If voting one-touch for JDM
and the government of the NDC translate into economic salvation for our poor
people, I have no doubt in my mind that the good people of Ghana will once
again queue for several hours to renew the NDC' mandate in 2016 without any

I wish the President God’s wisdom,
good health and strength to succeed.
God bless us all.

Akyena Brantuo Benjamin
[email protected]