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Opinions of Saturday, 4 May 2013

Columnist: Bidi, Kwame E.

Mahama to Honor Kpegah, Senanu, and Amekudzi

with Order of the Volta

In perpetuating the National Award Day tradition for 2013, President John Mahama has nominated three distinguished personalities for the Order of the Volta Award (Member Division). They are Lawyer Kwablah Senanu, Judge Francis Kpegah, and Lawyer Tony Amekudzi.

In a statement issued by the Chairman of the Awards Committtee, Dr. Kpesseh Whyte, these personalities have rendered meritorious but frivolous services to the nation in various legal capacities even in sleep, retirement, and in some circumstances, weird appearances in court. He remarked that nations fall and rise on the backs of their heroes, and it was only appropriate to recognize personalities who unabashedly betrayed their partisan positions to render selfless services to their party, region and nation.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the NPP, Sir John, on Asempa FM, alleges the award is partisan, although the awardees deserve them. He hinted of a conspiracy to change the name of the award to the Order of the Ashanti, should the NPP emerge victorious in the ongoing court petition.

The awardees will be interviewed on Radio Gold's Morning Show program tomorrow. Counsel for Justice Kpegah, David Annan, says although his client is optimistic about the award, he harbors an uncanny fear of a possible impersonation plot, since his middle name, Yaonasu, was not included in the official award document. However, Dr. Kpesseh Whyte assured him that nothing of the sort would happen.

Lawyer Kwablah Senanu was spotted dancing in his residency to a gospel song from Emmanuel TV hours after his nomination. In a brief remark, he mentioned that following his recent deliverance from the jaws of sleep, he's been experiencing mild insomnia, and fears he might doze off again at the award ceremony. Meanwhile, every attempt to reach Lawyer Amekudzi proved futile. Some officials are wary the man is planning to stage an unexpected and possibly vexacious showing to protest the verdict of the court in a recent case regarding the constitutionality of suing, John Mahama in the ongoing petition.

A political satire by Kwame E. Bidi.