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Opinions of Tuesday, 8 August 2023

Columnist: Anthony Obeng Afrane

Mahama was never a 'clearing agent'

Former president of Ghana, John Dramani  Mahama Former president of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama

Two important characteristics of a great leader are decisiveness and firmness of purpose.

Unfortunately, President Nana Akufo-Addo seems to lack these virtues and his ability to clear his appointees whenever they go wrong has earned him the title, the 'Clearing Agent General'.

Some of the cases in which he is reported to have cleared his errant appointees include Bost, Cash for Seat and the Australia Visa scandals amongst many others.

Conversely, John Dramani Mahama demonstrated effective firm leadership when he was president of the Republic.

Some of the issues he is remembered for is allowing the prosecution of his former National Coordinator of the defunct Ghana Youth Employment and Entrepreneurial Development Agency (GYEEDA), Abuga Pele, and a businessman, Philip Akpeena Assibit who were sentenced to a total of 18 years in prison for their involvement in the GH¢4.1 million GYEEDA scandal.

Another appointee of John Mahama, was the former Transport Minister, the Late Dzifa Attivor was made to resign over a controversial branding of 116 buses for the Metro Mass Bus Transit Company which cost GhȻ3.6million.

Also, the former Deputy Communications Minister under the Mahama-led administration, Victoria Hammah was sacked after a leaked audio of her intention to make 1 million US dollars before quitting politics.

Even the former District Chief Executive of Ahafo Ano South in the Ashanti Region, and one more appointee of president Mahama, Gabriel Barima was not spared for demonstrating emotional instability by angrily scolding health workers in his district for a comment made by an unidentified person which made him asked, "Who said tweaa?"

So, you see, JDM has the track record of being firm when it comes to making sure the right things are done regarding his appointees.

Judging from the monumental messes the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia-led administration have created which has made corruption a culture in the country, there would be the need for a firm leader like John Dramani Mahama to turn things around.

That is why many Ghanaians were happy when he said that should he become president again, he will not shield any corrupt appointees of his, but will ensure that they are prosecuted rather than wait for a different administration to take up such matters.

Let's, therefore, vote for Mahama in December, 2024 for him to pull down the babylon system of corruption.